Whats with somalis being proud of not being slavesFor real! we learned that language to trade with them and for quran. yet many think we learnt it because our ancestors worshipped atabs or even like them. They clearly distrusted and looked down on arab merchants. If only somalis woudl read instead of taking one course in black studies and thinking our ancestors were meek docile slave ppl. Honestly i'm proud of my ancestors! they hated all groups and were never enslaved shamefully like some other groups and yet their descendants who have more right to be proud than many groups feel insecure to loser groups. No disrespect but without a prophet the arabs would have remained a savage and useless ppl.
While other groups are so proud their achivments and their countriebution to history, you proud that we didn't get enslaved and were racist.
This is starting to get sad