Arabs have no chill wallahi


A man trying to be successful
I have a cousin who's half white half Somali he lived in the Middle East for a couple of years, he looks like a white boy. All the Arabs thought he was Syrian, but when he said his Dad was Somali they were shocked in disbelief. The dude speaks fluent Arabic and want's nothing to do with Arabs.
That's why Somalis are caucasian :ufdup:
It's like this almost everywhere in Europe, maybe not the UK. I think the Arabs there are a bit more middle class-like.
The UK is probably the least racist place in the West, over there they discriminate based on class, not really on ethnicity or race.
Arabs got a bigger victim complex than African-Americans and are more racist than whites. Calling people all sorts of abeeds and other derogatory things about hindis and bengalis yet they expect the entire muslim community to turn up rallies about their dumb political issues back home.

Only arabs I rock with are Yemenis and misakeen Iraqis, RIP Saddam
#1. Anybody with a brain knows these are just bots and don’t represent that average Gulf Arab.

#2.The tweet was referring to AA people looting and unfortunately there was a Somali guy on the cover of that picture,Which in itself is disappointing but it wasn’t targeted towards us.

#3. Notice how blm Somalis get joyful when a black person says anything postive about Somalis and but if a black person says negative they cry and beg for them to accept them.:mjlol:


A man trying to be successful
Oh pardon me. Nice to meet you brother which one of your parents is Syrian and which one Afghani? Your dad is Syrian i think? btw isn't that young Stalin on your prfp you're a fan of him?
Yes dad is Syrian and my is Afghan. yes it's young Joseph stalin I'm not really a fan i just felt like having him as my profile pic.


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