Are diaspora Somalis stuck in pre civil war Somali culture?

I saw this tweet and I wonder if it applies to us.

I don’t think it does - compared to other immigrants we still have a strong connection to our homeland and a knowledge of the current culture and environment there. Whereas some diaspora communities seem to not maintain much ties to their homeland when they come to the West. Which keeps them in a culture time warp.



I do agree to an extent that cause our parents still have connections to back home, they’re culturally up to date. However, the way some fobs act online (I know they aren’t a representation of all somalis back home but my point still stands) I can definitely see diaspora somalis have a better understanding of Islam.
I agree that current generation has stronger ties to our motherland because of our parents, but the next generation of diaspora will not have such strong ties. And it appears that Somalia is not changing or improving; individuals will begin to lose their identity since the pillar, namely their parents, will no longer have the same connection as their parents, and there will be nothing to look up to in order to maintain a connection to the country.
My family and family friends regularly go back home so I would say we are culturally up to date. Some even have a permanent residence there. Also my parents speak to people back home all the time so I know what they do. What I've noticed recently is my Gen Z cousins love it so much they want to go back and stay there for an extended period of time. Theres a lot of cities that are booming and are nice to stay in. Inshallah after my internship completes I will be going back with my family.
Indians and Somalis cannot be compared. We are polar opposites in every respect and so is our journey to the west.

Indians are entirely economic migrants and brain drain that move out of their country to distance themselves from India, taking their resources/skills with them and try to incorporate themselves into white corporate structures who treat them like loyal indentured servants in turn.

What that tweet shows is how her parents severed ties with India in the 70s.

Somali diaspora on the other hand is the opposite they send back human capital, resources, money and do advocacy on behalf of Somalia.

This is why Westerners resent Somali success, they expected dependency, not self-reliance and independence.

When is the last time you saw Vivek Ramaswamy advocate for India like how Ilhan Omar is doing for Somalia, be unapologetic about his homeland and stand up for his people?

Somalis view migration as a temporary means to uplift their homeland, whereas many Indians see it as an escape from theirs.

I went through it more in this post:
There is not much to learn from Indians if imma be real. A lot of them are just economic brain drain from their own country , that depletes their country' of skilled educated labour pool and resources, wealth etc to benefit Western corporations who down pay them and restrict their rights. They don't enrich India but enrich whites who hate them.

It's the opposite for Somalis. Somalis in America send 500 Million of remittances each year out of the 1.9 billion globally that go back to Somalia from their hard earnings from work/jobs and businesses, that even goes to into becoming investment vehicle for the country and foreign exchange reserves.
Cadaan Americans are always livid about it and resent the fact that we use their opportunities to enrich our home country.


Somalis in America have a high business ownership rate of 20-25% which is double the American average of 10%, 4-5 times higher than Black Americans overall (5-6%) and self-support index rating of 80-90% and 80–90% employment rates. Basically low rates of reliance on public aid, high self-employment rates, and a thriving community with increasing business ownership and household wealth.

So contrary to the resentment they spew in the text i showed above we are highly self-reliant, we don't take more than we give. They are angry at Somalis sending hundreds of millions abroad, but large American corporations send billions overseas (outsourcing, tax havens), yet individuals sending remittances are scrutinized. Yaab wallahi.

Somali Americans are following the classic immigrant pattern first-generation builds businesses, second-generation moves into high-paying careers, from higher education and white-collar jobs.
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I agree that current generation has stronger ties to our motherland because of our parents, but the next generation of diaspora will not have such strong ties. And it appears that Somalia is not changing or improving; individuals will begin to lose their identity since the pillar, namely their parents, will no longer have the same connection as their parents, and there will be nothing to look up to in order to maintain a connection to the country.

Somalia has changed and evolved a lot, it's partly thanks to the diaspora who have been investing billions into the country each year, that act kinda of a stand in for foreign direct investments.

Local Somalis in Somalia have been able to take that money and grow it even more to generate domestic businesses and revenue streams.

I disagree , the next generation after us will continue to be connected to their homeland much like the Chinese and Jewish community has a connection to Isreal and China, across multiple generations.

They operate a lot like us tbh. They are often accused of having dual loyalties because of their trans-national identity and links they cary, much like we do.

Somalis in large diaspora centers even have community events, celebrate independence days, cultural centers, masjids , festivals etc.

Thats why you will find ''Little Mogadishu" like how there is a ''China Town" characterization in many different places, because the neighborhoods become like self sustaining cultural villages or ethnic enclaves.

Somalia’s situation is similar to many Lebanese, Jewish, Chinese communities -- strong family ties, cultural pride, and business networks keep the diaspora engaged.

Somalis naturally gravitate toward their own communities, ensuring cultural continuity.
Indians and Somalis cannot be compared. We are polar opposites in every respect and so is our journey to the west.

Indians are entirely economic migrants and brain drain that move out of their country to distance themselves from India, taking their resources/skills with them and try to incorporate themselves into white corporate structures who treat them like loyal indentured servants in turn.

What that tweet shows is how her parents severed ties with India in the 70s.

Somali diaspora on the other hand is the opposite they send back human capital, resources, money and do advocacy on behalf of Somalia.

This is why Westerners resent Somali success, they expected dependency, not self-reliance and independence.

When is the last time you saw Vivek Ramaswamy advocate for India like how Ilhan Omar is doing for Somalia, be unapologetic about his homeland and stand up for his people?

Somalis view migration as a temporary means to uplift their homeland, whereas many Indians see it as an escape from theirs.

I went through it more in this post:

I would also say what makes the Indian diaspora much more disconnected from the average Indian citizen in India is also due to the caste system and wealth inequality.

With Somalia the wealth is more locally owned and circulates within the community instead of being hoarded by a small elite.

The wealth of the diaspora is shared also and reinvested, so you don't see the extreme wealtlh inequality created by small elites hoarding all the wealth that disconnects them from the wider society that have less that you see in India and other societies.

This is why Somalia doesn’t have mass slums or extreme beggar populations like India, or Kenya, Ethiopia.

There is no rigid ''class'' separation is what i am getting at.
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「Immortal Sage」| Qabil-fluid
I agree that current generation has stronger ties to our motherland because of our parents, but the next generation of diaspora will not have such strong ties. And it appears that Somalia is not changing or improving; individuals will begin to lose their identity since the pillar, namely their parents, will no longer have the same connection as their parents, and there will be nothing to look up to in order to maintain a connection to the country.
Once my parents are gone. Not only would I lose my connection with family back home but even cousins that live in different countries that I might meet once or twice every 3 to 5 years. Thankfully half cousins live in the UK


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