Are gay Somalis turning to other races and abandoning other Somali gays?

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Magan we wouldn't want abdijohnson dating ajnabis bradar why don't you date him since you beleieve a Somali for a Somali :chrisfreshhah:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Kkkkkk I guess you've never heard of the Mujahid Hersi Magan Isse.
Have you ever had a man touch your ass? You won't know you're gay unless you've been in that situation, abdi is from Canada aswell let him feel your ass & prove you're not gay


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Enough with your qowmalout antics sxb, it ain't a good look.:farole:
Abdijohnson has a good personality masha Allah, you never know bradar you might grow fond of him, a Somali for a Somali let's keep the bloodline pure.
I know I'm shaming Somalis as it is already so I only go after Somalis. Somalis will be more outraged if I go after Tyrone or Chris. I try to reach a basis of mutual agreement between myself and the Somali people. I am on the far opposite corner and the Somali people are in the other far opposite corner but I try to meet them in the middle. Lol


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I know I'm shaming Somalis as it is already so I only go after Somalis. Somalis will be more outraged if I go after Tyrone or Chris. I try to reach a basis of mutual agreement between myself and the Somali people. I am on the far opposite corner and the Somali people are in the other far opposite corner but I try to meet them in the middle. Lol


Somali gays? Sometimes I think I am living on another planet. I still can't come to terms with there actually being gay Somalis.
I'd say no. I have a lot of gay Somali friends, but most of them are on the internet and on the other side of the world, hence why I date and hang around non-Somali gays in my everyday life. If I could, I'd love for my entire circle of LGBT+ friends to be Somalis. There's no people like us tbh.

As for SoHollywood- I love him, but I'm somewhat turned off by him as well. I just wish he would talk about queer Somalis now that he's 'out there', and make it known that we exist and that we're not a 'Western' invention- that if we looked back at our own east-african history, we could find some interesting references to Queer people as well. All he ever does is make fun of cishet men online and show how his butt jiggles on a threadmill...
Your a lesbian sis! YAAAAAAAS!!!!!! We need to create a #JaceelWins in somalia! its 2017 get over it!
Somali gays? Sometimes I think I am living on another planet. I still can't come to terms with there actually being gay Somalis.
its natural sis. there are gays from every ethnicity. and they've been around for as long as humans were on earth. every religion known to man makes a reference to them.
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