Are Jinns behind the advent of modern technology?

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Cultural revolution
It's not a television it was a crystal ball or an oracle or some other superstition people in the Middle East believed 700 years ago sxb


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Don't speak about matters which you know nothing about. Right now you're speaking on matters pertaining to the future, and I'm kindly advising you to shut the f*ck up so you don't make a fool out of yourself.

When the Prophet pbuh stated that during the End Times, that the Dajaal would come with 70,000 fighters.....are you gonna take that number literally (70 000 soldiers is a pretty small army) or are you gonna conclude that 70,000 is obviously being used as a reference to mean a very large number and should not be taken literally....and his army could number in the millions in reality. No one knows, but you sound like a jackass by assuming that you do.
Allah Most High states, “So be on the watch for a day when heaven shall bring a manifest smoke covering the people; this is a painful chastisement.” [44: 10-11] The Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, “The Hour will not rise until you have seen ten signs: the rising of the sun from the west, the smoke, the beast…” [Muslim]

See Nuclear Weapon EMP Effects

Ionizing radiation from the fireball produces intense currents and electromagnetic fields, usually referred to as the electromagnetic pulse (EMP). This pulse is felt over very large distances. A single high-yield nuclear detonation will create destructive EMP over hundreds of thousands of square kilometers beneath where the explosion occurs.

EMP from high-yield nuclear detonations will subject electrical grids to voltage surges far exceeding those caused by lightning. Modern VLSI chips and microprocessors, present in most communication equipment. TVs, radios, computers and other electronic equipment are extremely sensitive to these surges and immediately get burnt out. Thus all possible communication links to the outside world are cut off. Restoring these facilities will be an arduous (and expensive) task assuming that the infrastructure required to complete this task would still exist following a nuclear war.

Warplanners consider the EMP from the detonation of a high-yield warhead as capable of disrupting the entire communication system of their nation, and in this way a single missile launch could begin a nuclear war.
Waaa? We have records of how things were built. We'll still have textbooks and guidelines.

Like knowledge doesn't evaporate.

I never said knowledge will disappear. I said the sustained application of that knowledge will successively become more and more difficult that society will eventually lose such access to such technology due to a finite number of resources. Take modern rocketry as an example. The equations and the science it took to get to the moon were already 300 years old before the Americans went there. The science isn't going anywhere, but once say sending a current down a wire becomes as prohibitively expensive as putting one-pound payload in low-earth orbit due to a lack of viable industrial minerals, basic electronics would quickly become a thing of the past.

Read this:

Why asteroid mining is necessary.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane

Concrete evidence is then given by Pike of Freemason's worship of Satan/Lucifer on the very front of the cover of Morals and Dogma. Pike writes a Latin phrase just below the round seal of "God," this is a phrase proven to be Satanic.

Any "Satanic brother" looking at this phrase would know that the contents of this book are Satanic. They would also understand that the entire religion of Freemasonry is Satanic.

"DEUS MEUMQUE JUS" is this phrase. The literal meaning is "God and My Right"

Doc Marquis says this statement is a typical one within Satanism. There is one meaning within another with this statement. The first meaning is that the Freemason can depend upon their God to determine their Right and Justice. The second meaning is, since the God of Freemasonry is Lucifer, Masons are saying that they are "using occult methods," through Lucifer, to achieve their Rights and Justice. This phrase is very powerful and dangerous within Saanism says Marquis. A Satanist knows the content within Pike's book is Satanism just by reading, "DEUS MEUMQUE JUS." They don't even have to read the book, just the phrase to know.

"The day has come when Fellow Craftsman must know and apply their knowledge. The lost key to their grade is the mastery of emotion , which places the energy of the universe at their disposal. Man can only expect to be entrusted with great power by proving his ability to use it constructively and selflessly. When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands, and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy. He must follow in the footsteps of his forefather, Tubal-Cain, who with the mighty strength of the war god hammered his sword into a plowshare." [Manly P. Hall, 33rd Degree, K.T., The Lost Keys of Freemasonry or The Secret of Hiram Abiff , Forward by Reynold E. Blight, 33rd Degree, K.T., Illustrations by J. Augustus Knapp, 32nd Degree, Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company, Inc., Richmond, Virginia, p. 48; Emphasis Added]

Once the Mason learns to control his emotion and to apply the "dynamo of living power," the Mason can be assured of being able to control the "seething energies of Lucifer" in his hands.

He makes the admission that Masonry is the Craft, which is an old name for Witchcraft. Satanists are assured that, if they will join the coven and learn the Craft, he will control the supernatural power of Satan, just as Manly P. Hall promises here.

As you can see, they have exposed themselves. Powerful proof that Freemasonry is Satanism. The language is direct and clear. It is not cluttered with deliberately confusing arcane language that only an insider can understand.

Further, note that Hall and Reynold E. Blight are 33rd Degree Masons, while the Illustrator is 32nd Degree. Macoy Publishing Company is also one of the most respected of all Masonic Publishing Houses.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
There may be some people who have read up to this point and still might be skeptical. Masonry cleverly masks its references to Satan.

There are 77 names which pagans have used to refer to Satan over the centuries and they are in the Satanic Bible. We'll review some of these "Infernal Names" of Satanism found within Masonry. [Satanic Bible, Anton LaVey, p. 144-46]

We shall list the Freemason teaching on each of these names, and then the explanation.

Baphomet -- "The Gnostics held that it [universal agent] composed the igneous [pertaining to fire] body of the Holy Spirit, and it was adored in the secret rites of the Sabbat or the Temple under the hieroglyphic figure of Baphomet or the hermaphroditic goat of Mendes ." [Pike, op. cit., p. 734, teaching of the 28th Degree; Emphasis added]

We find it absolutely incredible that the Freemasons should portray the Holy Spirit with the Satanic symbol, Baphomet.

Eliphas Levi created this symbol, one of the foremost Satanists and Freemasons of all time.

The Baphomet is one of the most evil of all symbols. Looking closely at the Baphomet(left) you will see that the emphasis is on sex. This Being is androgynous -- both male and female -- you can see it has the breasts of a woman, and an erect phallus.

You'll notice that the erect phallus has two serpents coiled around it. The Baphomet has the head of a "Horned Goat," another title for Satan.

Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated is a book in which Dr. Burns says, "In a book on witchcraft, The Complete Book of Witchcraft and Demonology ... the caption states that he is 'the horned god of the witches, symbol of sex incarnate'." [p. 51] And if you look at his right hand you will see Baphomet making the sign of the Devil's triad. "Baphomet is also known as the Sabbatic goat, in whose form Satan is to be worshipped at the Witches' Sabbath." [Frank Gaynor, Dictionary of Mysticism, New York, Philosophical Library, 1953, p. 24]

Then, we discovered that Baphomet is officially approved as a symbol of the Church of Satan [The Occult Emporium, Winter , 1993-1994, p. 54] and that it is worn by the Priest of Satan [Ibid., 1990-1991, p. 26]

Since Albert Pike linked Baphomet with the Goat of Mendes , we will show this obviously Satanic symbol, as well. It should also be noted that from the way a pentagram is normally seen(one point up, two down), rotating the pentagram 33 degrees you get a Satanic Pentagram. 33 is the highest degree there is in Freemasonry.


Freemasonry makes use of the Pentagram quite a bit. You can see the similarity between the Eastern Star and and the Satanic Pentagram above. The Eastern Star is a Freemason division for women.

Once again, Masonry utilizes a very evil Satanic symbol for the Order that trains its young, impressionable girls. Why didn't Masonry at least utilize the "Good Star" with one point up, rather than the most evil 5-pointed star, this Goats Head of Mendes? Truly, their use of this symbol tells us exactly that they are evil through and through, even to their own young girls.

Here's a statue of George Washington in Washington DC IMG_3321.PNG

Somethings are hidden in plain sight.


You're by far the dumbest member; literally ranking below Yas London when she's in a state of soberness
:pachah1:If you say so.

Next time you help a "jinn being banished from a host body of a Muslim" say hello to the jinns for us, and thank them for all the technology and stuff.


I was just joking b

Don't insult what I do pls.
I wasn't :icon lol:

If it's now believed not only is a supernatural entity "jinn" living in people who clearly need psychiatric help and care, but that they're to thank for the advent of Modern Technology, the least we should do is humbly thank them for all their much appreciated contributions. I would propose sheikhs include this in their ritual as an added thank you note as the "jinn" exists the body.
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