Are most of yall actually staying a virgin till marriage

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Jake from State Farm

We pro xalimo all 2019
How is it living in Texas?
I hear the living costs are super affordable.
Texas is chill ,pretty cheap, Somali population is small.isnt as big as the Somali populations in California, Minnesota and ohio. I met a lot of people who never met a Somali person before me. I would recommend living here if u wanted to nice cheap homes. good schools which are cheap as well compared to other states. Barely any scenery here as well
I am not a virgin. I have slept with a couple of girls outside of the culture specifically because I don't want that label as not a virgin. I don't plan on having sex again until I am married.

I have a question for everyone though. How the %#@* are people getting married at 18-24? I mean you should be in school or on your first job just starting out. Do you live together in poverty? Do you stay at each others parents house while married. So you don't live together?

Being poor af myself is the number 1 reason why I am not even looking down the marriage tunnel at 23. I mean I am not going to be financially set till I am probably 26-28. It is not like, I could date, but a lot of girls put pressure on guys to get married quick so I probably won't be looking till I am set. Honestly I think Chaste is meaning less. In the modern times you can't get married at 15 and get your rocks off, I am not very religious so I don't have a lot of regrets, having sex was a nice hurdle to climb. I couldn't imagine being 28 and not getting it over with. It also makes you appreciate real relationships more because tbh it is a very empty experience. Pleasurable but not satisfying if that makes sense.

Jake from State Farm

We pro xalimo all 2019
I am not a virgin. I have slept with a couple of girls outside of the culture specifically because I don't want that label as not a virgin. I don't plan on having sex again until I am married.

I have a question for everyone though. How the %#@* are people getting married at 18-24? I mean you should be in school or on your first job just starting out. Do you live together in poverty? Do you stay at each others parents house while married. So you don't live together?

Being poor af myself is the number 1 reason why I am not even looking down the marriage tunnel at 23. I mean I am not going to be financially set till I am probably 26-28. It is not like, I could date, but a lot of girls put pressure on guys to get married quick so I probably won't be looking till I am set. Honestly I think Chaste is meaning less. In the modern times you can't get married at 15 and get your rocks off, I am not very religious so I don't have a lot of regrets, having sex was a nice hurdle to climb. I couldn't imagine being 28 and not getting it over with. It also makes you appreciate real relationships more because tbh it is a very empty experience. Pleasurable but not satisfying if that makes sense.

those are indivualds who were interested in getting married as soon as possible, people who felt they met the right person sooner, or some people who are horny af and want to have "halal" sex. old close friend of mine got married his freshman year of college with a chick his age. they were both 20. They live at the husbands parents house cause of the free rent. They are both in school. It honestly seems like a pretty chill arraingment, especially if you meet a chick who is willing to build with you. someone who gonna stay with you when your broke and watch you grow into a better person. But a lot of these marriages supposedly dont work out as well. Somailis got a high divorce rate with people rushing into marriage. Hopefully my friend is one of the lucky few who has a long lasting marriage cause so far he seems happy.
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