Are People Becoming More Religious ?

Are People Becoming More Religous!

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“la vie en rose🥀 ~”
What’s a spiritual? Can you explain it? Cause every time I hear or see this spirituality they always talk nonsense and mention zodiac signs. They all look like junkies just like her
This is what I’m talking about :russ: they all speak like LMFAOOO


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I think the social media Sheikhs has helped alot. Every day i read comments in the page of my favorite Sheikh on Youtube- comments from Senegal or Benin where i gather Islam is hard to reach., these commenters are so thankful for youtube and the sheikh! :damn:


“la vie en rose🥀 ~”
I saw a bunch of 'witches' casting spells on the moon a while back on my fyp. Theres some that actually make potions and shit, it almost reminds me of harry potter:ftw9nwa:
have you seen moonwater 😭😭 it’s so crazy to see lol.I have to brace my self when I watch witch TikTok because of the crazy shit I hear form those witches 😭😭😭😭
New age atheism alienated a lot of people with the way they look down on the religious. How are you supposed to convert people while simultaneously insulting their intellect? Even during my gaal era I was never a full on atheist due to how xasiid their cult of personalities were :mjlol:
have you returned to islam?

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Hard to say if people are becoming more religious but one thing for sure I see more religious content on social media then ever before. Its refreshing.
People are more confused than certain about how the universe formed and their life's purpose from what I can tell.

I come across far more young people with wishy-washy spiritual beliefs like @Wonyluvr described or a watered-down practice of the religion they were born into than young people becoming staunchly atheist or religious hardliners.
I really wanted to know if there’s an actual survey on this. Are Muslim as a community leaving Islam more? or converting more?

There are many new converts but Muslims are generally also becoming more religious. There is no evidence of people leaving Islam.

There are western and US based companies that have been surveying different parts of the Muslim World. Muslim Skeptic has been collecting it and publishing articles on their findings the past couple of years.

They share the sources and elaborate on it here are some:

Arabs Are Getting More Religious. Why Isn’t Western Media Reporting It?​

Experts Finally Admit It! Middle East Youth Becoming MORE Religious​

Muslim Youth in South-East Asia Are More Religious Than Their Parents​

Most Moroccans Support Mandating Hijab… Will Democracy Finally Prevail?​

Is Türkiye Becoming More Religious Under Erdogan’s Rule? Yes, It Is!​

New Faith Survey in Türkiye: Strong Religious Devotion Despite Decades of Secularism​

Are Pakistan’s Youth Really Becoming Irreligious?​

Is Islam’s Growth Only Due to Fertility? The Case of Rwanda and the Philippines​

Horror as Arabs Lose Faith in Democracy!​

Another example from a Central Asian Muslim country.

The Islamic Revival Is Real​

“Islamic revival” is an expression used to characterize the new Islamization among the post-Soviet populations, especially among the youth.

In the case of Kazakhstan, one sign is that even Nursultan Nazarbayev, long-time dedicated communist and a secularist who ruled from 1990 to 2019, had to showcase symbols of Islam because society was getting more Islamic by the day.

We can also see this process of revival through numbers.

Analysts looking at opinion surveys in Kazakhstan (and also neighboring Kyrgyzstan) noted that, between 2007 and 2012, Kazakhs who self-identify as Muslims rose from 79% to 93% (in 5 years only). And while religious identification is not always accompanied with strict religious practice, the analysts do write that:

There is broad consensus that a revival in Islamic practice is currently taking place. Our data, presented in Table 1, generally bear these findings out. If we look at religious self-identification, for example, by 2012 nearly 95 percent of ethnic Muslims in both countries described themselves as Muslim. This high rate clearly confirms the strong salience of Muslim self-identification across the two societies.[2]

Another author gives the following statistics as well, writing in 2012: From 40-60 mosques during the 1975-1989 period, to more than 1400 mosques in 2005.

The same source state that some 10% of Kazakhs now:
…actively “follow the Koran, pray five times a day and wear hijab [Islamic veil].
Despite being predominantly secular, Kazakh president Nursultan Nazarbayev has made numerous concessions to the Islamic identity of the Kazakh people (…) as the Islamic revival is gaining momentum in Kazakhstan, the number of youths attending local mosques and masjids (small mosques) “appears to be growing every year.”[3]

Yet another researcher, this time writing in 2019 (so some 7 years after the previous analyst), said that the number of mosques now stand at more than 2500, having “increased 37-fold in the span of 25 years,” also noting the growth of the halal businesses, the re-Islamization being particularly strong among the urban middle-class:

Today, Kazakhstan has 130 halal slaughterhouses and over 600 halal businesses, which is very high against the eight halal special units in 2002. The halal products (with halal brand logo) are visible in bazaars and shopping malls to attract Muslim customers who prefer to maintain halal standardisation.[4]

There are many new converts but Muslims are generally also becoming more religious. There is no evidence of people leaving Islam.

There are western and US based companies that have been surveying different parts of the Muslim World. Muslim Skeptic has been collecting it and publishing articles on their findings the past couple of years.

They share the sources and elaborate on it here are some:

Arabs Are Getting More Religious. Why Isn’t Western Media Reporting It?​

Experts Finally Admit It! Middle East Youth Becoming MORE Religious​

Muslim Youth in South-East Asia Are More Religious Than Their Parents​

Most Moroccans Support Mandating Hijab… Will Democracy Finally Prevail?​

Is Türkiye Becoming More Religious Under Erdogan’s Rule? Yes, It Is!​

New Faith Survey in Türkiye: Strong Religious Devotion Despite Decades of Secularism​

Are Pakistan’s Youth Really Becoming Irreligious?​

Is Islam’s Growth Only Due to Fertility? The Case of Rwanda and the Philippines​

Horror as Arabs Lose Faith in Democracy!​

Another example from a Central Asian Muslim country.

The Islamic Revival Is Real​

“Islamic revival” is an expression used to characterize the new Islamization among the post-Soviet populations, especially among the youth.

In the case of Kazakhstan, one sign is that even Nursultan Nazarbayev, long-time dedicated communist and a secularist who ruled from 1990 to 2019, had to showcase symbols of Islam because society was getting more Islamic by the day.

We can also see this process of revival through numbers.

Analysts looking at opinion surveys in Kazakhstan (and also neighboring Kyrgyzstan) noted that, between 2007 and 2012, Kazakhs who self-identify as Muslims rose from 79% to 93% (in 5 years only). And while religious identification is not always accompanied with strict religious practice, the analysts do write that:

Another author gives the following statistics as well, writing in 2012: From 40-60 mosques during the 1975-1989 period, to more than 1400 mosques in 2005.

The same source state that some 10% of Kazakhs now:

Yet another researcher, this time writing in 2019 (so some 7 years after the previous analyst), said that the number of mosques now stand at more than 2500, having “increased 37-fold in the span of 25 years,” also noting the growth of the halal businesses, the re-Islamization being particularly strong among the urban middle-class:

every single one of your sources coming from muslim skeptic :susp:
every single one of your sources coming from muslim skeptic :susp:

it is a great website and very popular among Muslims.

if you read my post I explained each article summarizes actual surveys done in the Muslim world.

In short. Muslims everywhere are becoming more religious.

though it is true every other group is becoming less religious and more liberal. But that is because they had false religions that does not inspire conviction.

Islam being the truth not only is growing but has grown and strengthened while being attacked by world powers for over a century.

If you were Muslim you would have stronger feelings about the beautiful surveys coming out of the Muslim world and not which website has been collecting and publishing the data, strange thing to say.

The kuffar can seethe about it.
it is a great website and very popular among Muslims.

if you read my post I explained each article summarizes actual surveys done in the Muslim world.

In short. Muslims everywhere are becoming more religious.

though it is true every other group is becoming less religious and more liberal. But that is because they had false religions that does not inspire conviction.

Islam being the truth not only is growing but has grown and strengthened while being attacked by world powers for over a century.

If you were Muslim you would have stronger feelings about the beautiful surveys coming out of the Muslim world and not which website has been collecting and publishing the data, strange thing to say.

The kuffar can seethe about it.
Oh no, im happy that muslims are becoming more religious and islam is becoming more popular in the east and west. Its just that website and its founder.

