Are Somali girls....hypocrites??

If Bilal (RA) was commonly described as a black man having an Ethiopian mother and Arab father why would you expect any different? Ethiopians tend to be light-skinned than Somalis and obviously to a larger degree so do Arabs. :snoop:
A dark skinned xalimo recently made a thread condeming us for finding lightskin women as attractive. :heh: Now, mind you this dark skinned xalimo even want us far as to callus 'insecure' for not dating her species. Someone asked her ' but men prefer lightskin women just like women prefer taller guys' and her response was 'well women seek out taller men because they associate it with masculinity':mjlol:

"Men are subconsciously attracted to fairer skin because of its association with innocence, purity, modesty, virginity, vulnerability and goodness, according to researchers at the University of Toronto. Women are attracted to men with darker complexions because these are associated with sex, virility, mystery, villainy and danger"

So why are these Somali girls hypocrties.? Apparently they can have preference but we cant. Whats next, any Faarax that doesnt date fat Beluga whales is insecure and a loser?:pachah1::pachah1:
You also claim not to demean Somali women with one breath yet belittle them with such vile insults in another. I can assure you we don't believe a single word of what you say.

