Y haplogroups imo ham A and B, Shem D and E, Japheth C and F. J’s brother haplogroup is I which is Japheth. Rothschilds like Jacob Rothschild are j2 and they are ashkenazi which is son of gomer the son of Japheth, so J cannot be Semitic. Rome is Esau because they have Haplogroup E but they worship Lucifer aka Sophia aka baphomet and established the Catholic Church the real black nobility. J1 are Samaritan jews imo. Haplogroup D are the Tibetan and they have book of the dead and and ancient Egyptians are E and they have a book of the dead. Also Afro Semitic or Afro asiatic are just that bene hashim or sons of ha’ Shem aka Hebrews. Druze have the closest match of isa/Jesus dna and they have e m123. Eritrea and Harare have e m123. Biblical Ethiopia in the old maps was in central South Africa with the Atlantic being Ethiopian sea, abyssnia was adom probably Edom, Nigeria was Sudan and Sudan Nubia kush.