Doesn't matter if they're in Sudan, they're Egyptian. A Bengal Tiger in England is still a Bengal Tiger. Unfortunately they got stuck with savages who probably harass their community and want them to convert!
Okay whatever you want to believe.
Doesn't matter if they're in Sudan, they're Egyptian. A Bengal Tiger in England is still a Bengal Tiger. Unfortunately they got stuck with savages who probably harass their community and want them to convert!
i’ve never in my left met a Half Somali Half Italian that was light lightskinned. Wallahi i’m not jokingThe only half Somalis I have seen with dominant Somali genes were always either half Morrocan/Algerian/Italian.
the sarcasm killed meFull of shit. I bet this kid doesn’t look Somali either, huh?:
Since when the the maning of 'Arab' change? If you're Arab you're Arab. You can't look like Shannon Briggs and say "but my great grandad is Quraysh n shettt" lol
Fair enough I'll give you the benefot of the doubt. It's just that every Sudani I've known was either Nilotic or Nubian and when some of them say they're Arab it's a bit weird to me lol.Who are you to decide who is Arab or not? There are alot of Black Arabs from Saudi Arabia, Oman and UAE. Are Lebanese people ''real Arabs?'' probably not, Are North Africans real Arabs probably not?. its a culture and identity. If Shannon Briggs was born and raised in an Arab country, what's to say he can't identify himself as an Arab.
People would argue that modern day Yemenis are the only ''true Arabs'', the rest of the Gulf are mixed Persians and Mongols who became arabized overtime.
South Sudanese right... always say south SUDAN, because north Sudan is different people.This kid came out looking Somali.
The mom is Sudenese and the dad is White Australian
The origin of all arabs is Yemen. They are 89% haplogroup j1(Arab genes). Purest arabs in the world .Who are you to decide who is Arab or not? There are alot of Black Arabs from Saudi Arabia, Oman and UAE. Are Lebanese people ''real Arabs?'' probably not, Are North Africans real Arabs probably not?. its a culture and identity. If Shannon Briggs was born and raised in an Arab country, what's to say he can't identify himself as an Arab.
People would argue that modern day Yemenis are the only ''true Arabs'', the rest of the Gulf are mixed Persians and Mongols who became arabized overtime.
This is how a north Sudanese looks...No, they don’t. They legit look Northern Sudanese to me:
Does that mean that’s what the Northerners all looked like before Arab admixture? Paging @Apollo