Are we the joke?


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ

What these ninjas find so funny?

:mjlol: :mjcry:

Culusow is an adoon for hire. He doesn't care about anything and he routinely finds ways to humiliate the Somali name. The first Somali leader to actually force through a law that makes Somali maids eligible to be maids in Arab households. As you all know, Arab countries are not permitted to work manual/maid labour. Nothing wrong with it if you are in your own country, but outside of your country, it puts you at extreme risk.

I haven't even added all his crimes and endless trips. It's actually exhausting keeping track of this man's xaaraan antics.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Culusow is an adoon for hire. He doesn't care about anything and he routinely finds ways to humiliate the Somali name. The first Somali leader to actually force through a law that makes Somali maids eligible to be maids in Arab households. As you all know, Arab countries are not permitted to work manual/maid labour. Nothing wrong with it if you are in your own country, but outside of your country, it puts you at extreme risk.

I haven't even added all his crimes and endless trips. It's actually exhausting keeping track of this man's xaaraan antics.

He pushed that through?! WTF?! I used to be so relieved growing up in Dubai knowing our girls could at least avoid the horrors Carabs put Xabashi and Oromo women through. That fucking snake piece of filth!
He pushed that through?! WTF?! I used to be so relieved growing up in Dubai knowing our girls could at least avoid the horrors Carabs put Xabashi and Oromo women through. That fucking snake piece of filth!
Soon when he’s done selling all the land in Mogadishu he’ll start selling the people there too :mjlol:
The whole country is doomed as long as he remains the president. The fact that there is no one in the parliament who openly speaks against him is truly shocking. The things he did are worthy to initiate an impeachment. This is proof enough that the mps have been bought by the president and don’t care about the country. The government is basically just an illegal business to make loads of money for themselves at the expense of the people. Gender wars and qabyaalad are tools to distract the population from the treasonous acts of the government. People back home must wake up before it’s too late. Everyone pray that this dameer gets assassinated inshallah
The dameer needs to be put down for treason with no janazah.
The whole country is doomed as long as he remains the president. The fact that there is no one in the parliament who openly speaks against him is truly shocking. The things he did are worthy to initiate an impeachment. This is proof enough that the mps have been bought by the president and don’t care about the country. The government is basically just an illegal business to make loads of money for themselves at the expense of the people. Gender wars and qabyaalad are tools to distract the population from the treasonous acts of the government. People back home must wake up before it’s too late. Everyone pray that this dameer gets assassinated inshallah
Why is everyone throwing the word dameer around so much? This is racism.
insulting donald trump GIF by Mashable

