Are we the joke?


I'll give Somali leaders some credit they rarely bring up the colonial period unlike other Africans. The academics study it and give final conclusions but that's it really. I'm sure they seen the biggest enemy in the continent isn't outside enablers but inside vulnerabilities.
Their moving on India and considered the next Tiger after the Far East Asians who got it just as bad if not worse from imperialism. Noone entertains blame game n victimhood like you @Libaax-Joore cause time is fixed bruv and they seen the output from noble victimhood like u do leads to a dark continent and as @TheLand duly noted enjoy the clear star filled sky that God is helping with not you and perpetual victimhood big bad siyad.
Sxb India is screwed the Ganges and their other xaar filled rivers all come from China. The Chinese said we are gonna build a dam and close off water supply to cali uraaye just like Ethiopia will do to Somalia and Egypt. No paper tiger sxb, they will all come as students and hb1 to the west. That is the end goal. Enjoy them in Australia with the cadaan cunsuri 😂
Nope hawiye ICU didn’t stop 🛑 the hawiye warlord they just switched kastuumo when president Abdullah Yusuf Ahmed AUN was elected president of somalia 2004 , from local usc militia led by different faction warlords to international terriost alqaida led by the wahabi saudi osma bin laden
Nah you are wrong. USC started off with a Murusade chairman we kept our portion of the pie and when Hawiyes all went off to make their own breakaway splinter groups it was Qanyare who stuck to the original USC name as its chairman well into the 2000s. Check the signatories of Arta & and Mbagathi. Qanyare was anti Ethiopia, but he had hiraab rivals that forced him to throw his lot with AY, the warlords forgave each other and moved on, we played a key role in the ICU and ARS that fought the TFG.

Murusade fought heavily under ICU and clan assaults on the Ethiopians in Xamar Jadiid, Bakaaro till Garoonka


AY was used by Zenawi to appoint his tplf agent Gheedi, even the parliament chair fight in Kenya was Qanyares side fighting the Tplf coalition



Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Sxb India is screwed the Ganges and their other xaar filled rivers all come from China. The Chinese said we are gonna build a dam and close off water supply to cali uraaye just like Ethiopia will do to Somalia and Egypt. No paper tiger sxb, they will all come as students and hb1 to the west. That is the end goal. Enjoy them in Australia with the cadaan cunsuri 😂
Most of truck drivers in North America are them nacala ku taal they are takin our jobs😂 the towel head pajeet are modern days of juj wa ma juj 😂


Nah you are wrong. USC started off with a Murusade chairman we kept our portion of the pie and when Hawiyes all went off to make their own breakaway splinter groups it was Qanyare who stuck to the original USC name as its chairman well into the 2000s. Check the signatories of Arta & and Mbagathi. Qanyare was anti Ethiopia, but he had hiraab rivals that forced him to throw his lot with AY, the warlords forgave each other and moved on, we played a key role in the ICU and ARS that fought the TFG.
View attachment 352919

Murusade fought heavily under ICU and clan assaults on the Ethiopians in Xamar Jadiid, Bakaaro till Garoonka


AY was used by Zenawi to appoint his tplf agent Gheedi, even the parliament chair fight in Kenya was Qanyares side fighting the Tplf coalition


Yeah heard yey wanted no ethiopians due to the bad history with menguistu and locking him up but geedi said I got relatives with zenawi during his tplf days in hamar and we married.

Geedi went and told Zenawi bring in Ethiopia because the self appointed khawarij who noone appointed in the Muslim world as courts or shabab need to be removed as they have a pact with warlords and crime lords. Zenawi then told him.we need a presidential signature and Abdillahi was told to sign it.
Yeah heard yey wanted no ethiopians due to the bad history with menguistu and locking him up but geedi said I got relatives with zenawi during his tplf days in hamar and we married.

Geedi went and told Zenawi bring in Ethiopia because the self appointed khawarij who noone appointed in the Muslim world as courts or shabab need to be removed as they have a pact with warlords and crime lords. Zenawi then told him.we need a presidential signature and Abdillahi was told to sign it.
Gheedi is a langaab stooge for Ethiopia that’s still walking freely in Xamar till this day.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Nah you are wrong. USC started off with a Murusade chairman we kept our portion of the pie and when Hawiyes all went off to make their own breakaway splinter groups it was Qanyare who stuck to the original USC name as its chairman well into the 2000s. Check the signatories of Arta & and Mbagathi. Qanyare was anti Ethiopia, but he had hiraab rivals that forced him to throw his lot with AY, the warlords forgave each other and moved on, we played a key role in the ICU and ARS that fought the TFG.
View attachment 352919

Murusade fought heavily under ICU and clan assaults on the Ethiopians in Xamar Jadiid, Bakaaro till Garoonka


AY was used by Zenawi to appoint his tplf agent Gheedi, even the parliament chair fight in Kenya was Qanyares side fighting the Tplf coalition

How come there were no ICU alqaida when abdiqasim salaad was president of somalia 2000-2004 🇸🇴 they changed kastumo because Abdullah Yusuf Ahmed was legitimate elected president of somalia 2004 and moved his government to baidow temporarily until the terriost ICU attacked the elect government in baidow 2006 and after that a full blown war happens where alqaida ICU was chased and humiliated like the terriost dog 🐕 they were😂 sharif afgadud switch kastumo and changed osma bin Laden khamis to western style dress like suite and tie in the end abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed was forced to resign and replaced with former alqaida hedgeman Shariif afgaadud us the president of somalia


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Gheedi is a langaab stooge for Ethiopia that’s still walking freely in Xamar till this day.
Gedi was smarter than Abdullah Yusuf Ahmed ,
he steal us much us he can and look at him today living lavish life brought mansions in Nairobi and dubia where abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed didn’t even conquer us kismayo after spending million and millions puntland money to built government for hawiye so he can be called jalle madaxweyne Abdullah like jalle afweyne was called during his dictatorship rule
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Forza Somalia!
The joke is the figurehead President of Somalia has usurped the powers delegated by the constitution to the Prime Minister.

Somalis have become so used to seeing the president function as the executive that they have forgotten we are technically a parliamentary democracy. The marxuum, who is supposed to be running the country's foreign policy, is nowhere to be seen.
Somalia is a presidential-parliamentary state, where the president is oversees the foreign policy.

Yusuf M

Most of truck drivers in North America are them nacala ku taal they are takin our jobs😂 the towel head pajeet are modern days of juj wa ma juj 😂
Don't worry. Trump will deport them.
Make America Great Again.
They'll be plenty of truck jobs for Americans again.