Are you depressed?

So, from a logical inference, India is good, 'cos it is populous, ergo any nation with a large population would then be good, and vice versa; did I grasp your logic?
Yeah china is in the position they are in because of consistent and deliberate planning of state affairs by a central authority since the 50s. Theyre on their 14th five year plan.

One weakness in democracy thats tough to dispute is that its tough to get anything significant off the ground with the decentralized power, and if you do it could still get repealed if the next guy doesnt like it.


Apparently this TJ fella got that fast tracked waali exercise for you.

@pinkyandthebrain Maybe this will help relieve you off the stress of worrying about the global Somali reputation.

@Basra Haye Eedo, maxaad ka qabtaa arinkani?

Dog Food GIF by Diamond Pet Foods


「Immortal Sage」| Qabil-fluid
Have you spent less time with people you like? Like family, friends and so on? Personally, I've noticed a big correction between less time I spend with people I like and my depression and constant negative mood.

Sadly, I found 90% of my happiness come from spending time with people I like. I wish objects made me happy instead of people


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Apparently this TJ fella got that fast tracked waali exercise for you.

@pinkyandthebrain Maybe this will help relieve you off the stress of worrying about the global Somali reputation.

@Basra Haye Eedo, maxaad ka qabtaa arinkani?

We're more likely to have depression-like symptoms due to our lack of Vitamin D and certain snp rs4680(gg - warrior gene) which basically makes us leak dopamine, you can slow this down by having a diet rich in protein and healthy fats eg meat and (eggs which are high in tyrosine) and coffee.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
The older i get the more i can control my negative thoughts. Alhamdhulilaah. But still death is near