Areas conquered/inhabited by somalis


Nabaddoonka Somaaliyeed "
Bismillah it has been 5 hours and only one person attempted to debunk my claims but I managed to slide tackle him with my cold heart fax and brought my sources
Are you telling me that they invaded Madagascar which is thousands of miles away from Somalia and didn't invade Socotra which is next to them? 🙂


@killerxsmoke sources for our control of Northern Madagascar :diddyass: we need to reclaim this dhul
Here you go brother

Are you telling me that they invaded Madagascar which is thousands of miles away from Somalia and didn't invade Socotra which is next to them? 🙂
There were port cities and trade posts set up by Somali traders and sailors in Madagascar, Somalis went as far as the Maldives. Lookup Antemoro of Madagascar, they claim descent from Somalis.


Nabaddoonka Somaaliyeed "
There were port cities and trade posts set up by Somali traders and sailors in Madagascar, Somalis went as far as the Maldives. Lookup Antemoro of Madagascar, they claim descent from Somalis.
Yes commercial relations not invasion and rule
Then look at the map when the Somalis ruled the coasts of Yemen
The farthest place the Somalis reached with an army was to Kassala, the Sudanese city on the Eritrean border And they didn't stay long


Yes commercial relations not invasion and rule
Then look at the map when the Somalis ruled the coasts of Yemen
The farthest place the Somalis reached with an army was to Kassala, the Sudanese city on the Eritrean border And they didn't stay long
They did invade Madagascar look at the evidence I showed


East Africa UNUKA LEH
If Omanis can claim they conquered the whole east african coast by having their boat touch our land, then we conquered all that too and more. We conquered China and South Asia too. Start the propaganda machine.

Internet Nomad

Mongol niggas have been everywhere holy shit
How did they go from a bunch of divided nomadic tribes being abused and divided by china and fighting inter tribal warfare suddenly got united by genghis khan and then turned nearly the whole civilised world into their
Same way Somalis taught europeans how to bathe
Gojjam and Begemder were never under Adalite control. Same can be said about Eritrea in general. The Christian highlands of Eritrea were for the most part untouched while the Afar region (Dankali Sultanate) was autonomous.

The Awdal Sultanate did incorporate Gojjam & Begemder into its territory, the Falasha Jews of Begember even allied with Imam Ahmed against the Christians as noted in this excerpt below.

Screenshot 2023-04-09 at 6.43.05 AM.png

Pretty much the entire Eritrean coast & hinterland including half of Sudan's coast up to Sawakin was under the control of the Awdal Sultanate at its height, this is basically a universally accepted by historians.

This excerpt talks of Imam Ahmed consolidating his territory & controlling Massawa.

Screenshot 2023-04-09 at 6.40.59 AM.png

The claim that coastal Sudan was under the Adal Sultanate is pure Wikipedia history. No source actually backs this up.

Here's one excerpt that acknowledges that the Awdal Sultanate controlled Sudan's coast up to Sawakin. Every book I've read that describes the territorial extent of Awdal at its peak mentions Sawakin as its northern most border.

Screenshot 2023-04-09 at 6.33.40 AM.png
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Garaad diinle

 
A map of the imams conquest.


A map with place names in the futuh.


A map according to portuguese account of their wars against the muslims.

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Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
sxb how u forgetting the maldives islands, kkk funny how pressed these self hating somalis are more than the ajnabis, Abdi aziz from Mogadishu rule over these cuck indians and made them muslims

