Asharaf and Jaffarah match Somalis


Saddam was Ahlul Bayt and Shias still attacked him ? They aren’t even loyal to their fake cult.
Half the ppl in every muslim society claim Banu Hashim. Who's to say which are legit:patrice:
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Wow, I knew you weren’t really MJ.

The only Arab Majerteen and Harti, are the ones that have been Arabised in Oman. The rest of us are Somalis on all metrics. The only Arab DNA we have, would be those of us with female Meheri ancestors and even they are fully Somalised, so that doesn't count.

I like being Somali and Somali only. It's nice.
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Cushite Arab
Half the ppl in every muslim society claim Banu Hashim. Who's to say which are legit:patrice:
Our history is recorded very well and our ancestor was met, it was recorded by 3 Islamic hisotirans the Quraysh colonized the whole coast of Somalia and we were written about in a book called Aqeeliyoon mentioned to have lived in Jabarta, today 80% of Banu Aqeel consist of Zaylicis and Jabertis, and the fact Saylac was so popping was the reason he married Doonbiro, it's absurd you give this excuse when our lineage perfectly matches Qurayshis and we are the purest Cushites and our clade was verified in the Barnabas study and family tree, according to them V32 originated from Makkah and it's an Akkadian clade

Also all Arabs have different origins, the DNA tests have many countries across the world, for example J1 L859 absorbed Qurayshis live from Persia to India and Pakistan, likewise R1A Qurayshis live there too, the Quraysh lived everywhere

You know what the highest honour and the best lineage is? Islam!
Being born a Muslim.

Signed by someone who is proudly non-Banu Hashim.
You may not be Banu Hashim but you are 100% of Arab ancestry under the E-Y18629 branch which is Adnaani,the TMRCA perfectly matches the time Adnaan was born and all the Adnaani branches matched under it and many Quraysh sub clans, E-V32 was also verified to be the real Akkadian Abraham clade which originated in Makkah, the prophet SAW also spoke of the replacement of the Arabs and it was proven they wer Cushitic, made countless threads dk why there is still shaki, I have countless evidence

We arrived in the 10th century, so we are good, but by the 13th century Ibn Khaldun stated the Quraysh tribe had been filled with Abyssinians and Persians, and this is where J2 and E-M81 come, we aren't Puntites

Let me ask you this question, if we're from Punt why are 80% of Somalis under a lineage which is 2600 years, for a 4000 year old kingdom, and the other 20% under T-M70 which came from Arabia, they weren't even in Somalia during the first melenium BC and the Puntites were Arabs since they controlled Jeddah port which they even called BUNT PORT and Arabs have written about the pharonic history of the port

Internet Nomad

You have opened my eyes to the irrefutable evidence that Somalis are not only arabs but apart of the greatest tribes of the arabs.


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