LMAO. Arabs are disgusting, hairy creatures with extremely hooked nose which is why the highest rates of nose jobs come from the Middle East. You guys get nose jobs 24/7 to have a small nose like Somali people do. There's nothing to be jealous of your disgusting pale skinned that gets sunburnt, big ugly hooked nose, and thin boring straight hair. Somalis have melanin, beautiful skin, voluminous long curly hair, and a small nose which you'd die to have. Melanated skin protects you from the sun, have much lesser chance of sunburn while you're an ugly sub-human Arab pedophile who's skin burns once it meets the sun. Nobody on earth wants to look like a sub-human, hairy pedophile with a huge hooked nose. Go rape some little girls you disgusting Bedouin creature.Too be honest somalians are by far one of the ugliest people around lol. You're facial features are too far apart, your skin looks like mud and you have these weird curls on your head. Not to mention you have an extremely thin body for your height so the proportions are out of whack. I'm just an arab visiting this forum and was intrigued as to how a somalian can criticise someone's looks. Imagine claiming lineage to the prophet knowing that the prophet was handsome, had thick wavy hair (like arabs not retarded african curls), fair skin (so not like poo skin somalis) and had a beard. You're men don't even have any body/facial hair because they are literally women LOL.