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1244 Donald nigga. I got roots there too
Loll say word. I lived in 1240 my entire 12 years in Ottawa, except my first two years after birth I lived in Alta Vista. Do Somalis still live there ?

We only left Donald cuz of that fire. It was on my floor and I was home alone that day too. I really thought I was going to die that day, it's a memory that will never escape my head. I opened the door after hearing the alarm and seen flames everywhere. Went straight to the balcony thinking it was my last day and I was bout to die
Loll say word. I lived in 1240 my entire 12 years in Ottawa, except my first two years after birth I lived in Alta Vista. Do Somalis still live there ?

We only left Donald cuz of that fire. It was on my floor and I was home alone that day too. I really thought I was going to die that day, it's a memory that will never escape my head. I opened the door after hearing the alarm and seen flames everywhere. Went straight to the balcony thinking it was my last day and I was bout to die

I also have A.V roots. We must know each other in real life.

I remember that fire in 2004. The religious dude who shall remain nameless told me he was in a hotel for a month. I remember the CTV news ticker "1,000 residents homeless after Ottawa apartment fire"

We left in 1992 though


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
Do you even know what you gonna do on your wedding night ( with the chick ) :drakekidding::francis:


The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
You're meeting Siyad Barre tomorrow. What would you ask him? (only three questions allowed).


I also have A.V roots. We must know each other in real life.

I remember that fire in 2004. The religious dude who shall remain nameless told me he was in a hotel for a month. I remember the CTV news ticker "1,000 residents homeless after Ottawa apartment fire"

We left in 1992 though

Lool at religious dude. Who, guled? Lol at him becoming religious tho cuz he used to be the one of the funniest niggas I knew.

Yeah man all of us lived in the community center/library center that was behind Donald....forgot what it was called. We were there for a couple days while they made arrangements. It was actually hype af all we did was play ball and cause ruckus. Then everyone got placed in hotels. My family lived in the chimo hotel across st Laurent


Scheming from Salaxley
@methylamine yeah man its one of the best low budget phones out there. Seems like so many phone companies are shifting from making high end phones to making low to medium end. I guess it's cuz making really expensive phones doesn't translate into bigger profit margins...unless ur apple.

And yeah don't worry like 95% of phone cameras are terrible with low light. It's actually cuz of the sensor size. A bigger sensor allows more light to be captured and also produces higher resolution. It'd hard to fit a nice sensor like they have in DLSR cameras onto our smartphones cuz of the size limitations. Sensor size is by far the most important aspect of a camera...don't fall for the megspixel myth. More megspixels doesn't mean a better camera. So yeah if u want a good camera look at the sensor size
My man :denzelnigga:

How tall are you
Somewhere between 5'2" and 6'8"
What are your pet peeves?
- Smelly people
- The likes of @AbdiJohnson
- Loud ratchet people in public
- Hair that doesn't belong to me landing in my personal space
Do you even know what you gonna do on your wedding night ( with the chick ) :drakekidding::francis:
:drakewtf: Why wouldn't I know?
You're meeting Siyad Barre tomorrow. What would you ask him? (only three questions allowed).
1. How do the works of Marx and Lenin fit with teachings of Islam?
2. What factors were taken into consideration when invading Ethiopia?
3. Why did you not accept the Somali Manifesto?
If you had a time-travel machine what period would you like to go to?
Do you like foreign girls? If yes, what nationality, ethnic group or race?
Do you like Cats? If yes, what breed?
How many continents have you been to? (State them)
How many countries have you been to? (State them)
Do you think about the future?
What are your political agenda/views?
Are you environment friendly?
Do you know any Martial Arts?
Do you like Khaat?


Scheming from Salaxley
If you had a time-travel machine what period would you like to go to? 1960s Somali Republic
Do you like foreign girls? If yes, what nationality, ethnic group or race? Only preference is Somali girls, but there's pretty women from all races/ethnicities
Do you like Cats? If yes, what breed? Can't stand those lazy fuckers
How many continents have you been to? (State them) Europe, Africa, Asia
How many countries have you been to? (State them) USA, UK, UAE, Somaliland
Do you think about the future? Sometimes, only think about where I see myself and the potential family I'll be raising
What are your political agenda/views? I agree with certain sentiments from both the Left and the Right
Are you environment friendly? Quite the opposite
Do you know any Martial Arts? No
Do you like Khaat? Haven't tried it
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