MBS & Ataturk are in no way comparable. Atatturk wanted to completely remove any Arab/Islamic influence over Turkish people and imported European culture and civilisation to replace the Arab-Islamic civilisation that dominated Anatolia for a long time.Mustafa Kemal was a great general and politician. However he's thirst to make Turkey a European state stripped it bare of what made it unique. One can be modern while upholding their culture and traditions. Fundamentally, he was a net positive for Turkish people and that's why he's so loved. He saved them and did what many previous failed to do, properly modernize the nation.
MBS of Saudi Arabia is doing something similar. He's attempting to push his nation into a American model the way Ataturk pushed Turkey to a European model.
With all the flaws of MBS, MBS just wants to modernise the economy and is willing to compromise certain Islamic tenants to achieve that objective. The main takeaway is that MBS has no plans to completely remove Arab-Islamic civilisation from Arabia like what happened in Turkey under atatturk.