Atheism: The 21st Century Polytheistic religion

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Your a very sad case, the most saddest case I have seen, it's painful reading this, you are clearly living in a bubble, so feel free to discontinue reading what follows next, because it's not meant for your consumption but others, your soul is dead, a self inflicted death, not a natural or accidental death hence why it's so sad and tragic.

So why are the Chinese/Russian's not saying anything, this is a lie because sections have come out, but let's not dwell on that and assume they didn't at all, a more important question is why haven't the Russian's in particular or correctly the great USSR, that supposedly sent the first object, animal and man into earth orbit while the V2 rockets of the US empire (by Nazi dude) were embarrassingly blowing up at the start, or explode into smithereens in mid air?

Why weren't they able to achieve this despite their much faster leap? when the USA rockets were repeatedly failing ? The brilliant prophet John F Kennedy after these series of debacles boosted moral by predicting and prophesying that they will go to the moon, while the USSR by that time put a human in space.

A more valid question is why didn't the great USSR achieve this while were ahead?, even after a whopping 30 years? why weren't the Russian's with all their crazy nukes not able to achieve this in almost 50 years now with all the modern technologies??? why haven't the Chinese??? Hell Why haven't the American's gone back since colonising it??? why does NASA in an open video I can post here, recently said no human has gone beyond low earth orbit?

To understand these conundrums we need to take a look at the NASA equivalent in Russia, Japan and China, hell even UAE, Indonesia and India have got involved in this great swindle of tax payers money theft, little did you know in fact that the Chinese supposedly have a rover on the moon, or that they have done the mythical space walks, so did the Japanese as well, the videos of them are all over Youtube.

What's most remarkable when you watch those videos on Youtube and I encourage you to aswell as others, is that they don't even take the extra precautions and necessary care like the American's do in their hoax, you can see it's outright fake, the American space walks you see a few water bubbles (clearly done in a water tank) and even those few bubbles you need to pay attention to see even the scuba tank they brought, in the Japanese and Chinese equivalent, they don't even hide or try edit them out, it's an absolute joke of the highest order, the bubbles and scuba tanks you can see clearly, the Chinese rover on the moon is the most comical, but equally also is the supposed rover on Mars, in which NASA embarrassingly published a photo that showed a squirrel when zoomed in.

So yes they are in it together on these hoaxes, and they are very clear to see, even the BBC tells you or you can get it directly from Reuters those moon rocks given to their museums by Armstrong and his crew and confirmed by NASA were FAKE. But it's fine I don't expect you to believe in any of it, the indoctrination's runs to deep, the whole blind believe system was never evidence based to begin with, 'evidence' is just a buzz word used by your Europhile polytheist community to sound smart, enlightened and intelligence, the despite all the evidence in your face and logic going against you.

Fake Dutch Moon Rock Revealed

Video with NASA logo showing water bubbles and scuba tank in their supposed space walk

Chinese rover on the moon (their news sites have come out and comically said the rover found no evidence of Appolo missions, it can't get any more better)

China Space walk bubbles debunked

NASA graphic designer Rob Simmons creator of the blue marble admits it's Photoshopped

All that leap in technology but can't bring you a single organic authentic HD image of the earth, he tells you right there in that interview it's "photshopped, because it has to be"!! his own words



Pepe Trump
oooo which one? There are soo many instances where Mohammed slips up

I gave him the examples on this thread and another but he just gets offended whilst completely ignoring, not even acknowledging, the Sirah I provided from Ibn Ishaq's Life of Muhammad. There, it details how Al Nadar went to Jewish Rabbis to ask for help in dealing with a tribesman claiming to be the messenger of god. They provide three question to ask him. If he passed, they should follow him but if he failed, then do with what you will with him. Al Nadar then presented those questions to Muhammad and his reply was "I'll be back with the answer tomorrow." The prophet went missing for 15 days. He comes back over a fortnight later claiming he has the answers, of course by then it's game over. The prophet then provides a distorted answer that doesn't fully corroborate the answers required. Nonetheless, that's not the important part. What's important is that he took 15 days to answer the questions presented to him (and show his face in general). The reason for this, he claimed, was because he never said the terms "god willing" after accepting the challenge. Of course, this is beyond an irrational answer and he was called out on it.

Simply put, this proved the prophet, beyond a reasonable doubt, that he is a charlatan. If this was anybody else, Muslims would be the first to mention it as evidence against that persons character and integrity. But of course there are more cases, I just think this is the most compelling.

Anyone stupid enough to believe that some Bedouin cave dwellers were able to outwit 16 US intelligence agencies, national security council, the pentagon, the zionist mossad overlords, airport security, air-traffic control of the world's super power, all orchestrated, planned and directed clandestinely from a cave in Afghanistan on 9/11 cannot be considered sufficiently intelligent enough for anything.

In fact cannot be considered sentinent human beings at all, it's most absurd ludicrous folklore like tale to believe, even worse then believing in tooth fairies, dragons.

You nothing more then a complete utter moron to the highest degree to buy that official story as it's being told, this is just incredible!

I never thought the human was capable of such stupid irrational lunatic type of thinking, it beggars believe, no wonder you believe in those Europhile God's, the brain parasite is even worse then I thought.
Proud to associate with you through blood and Islam brother. This is what we need. People using their brain for what it is meant,. Let us see how the dogma thumping crew, the religious Darwinians address these facts about them.
Jazakum Allahu khaira Brother Burhan

They can't address anything because they are like herds just driven by their masters

The first pillar:
Atheist disbelieves in God but testify that there is no God but matter, and matter doesn't finish or perish and it doesn't come from nothing. The material world is the god of atheist willingly or unwillingly. Atheist believes in pantheism, the creator and creation are one thing: matter. he puts the attributes of the creator on the matter, it has no beginning no end, a wise and all-knowing matter!

Look at Dawkins claiming that pantheism is actually atheism, so funny ha

Pronunciation: (sekst'up'), [key]
β€”adj. Informal.
1. sexually aroused.
2. made sexually attractive or more titillating: The movie was a sexed-up version of the book.
3. made more attractive or interesting, esp. by adding decorative elements: a sexed-up car.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary,
Copyright Β© 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.

The second pillar:
The atheist doesn't believe in angels but he believes in green, ugly, big bellies, big heads, very intelligent aliens. Dawkins claimed that they put DNA in his cells. Anyways, it is an atheistic belief and there is no proof for it except in anime and fiction. Prominent atheist Richard Dawkins admits the possibility of some sort of intelligent designer, it could be aliens from other planets as long as it is not Allah or God of the Bible.
The biggest atheist Richard Dawkins mania and insanity - Aliens or Intelligent Design

Third pillar:
The atheist disbelieves in holy scriptures and claim that it is a human invention, but he still believes in books of his material religion, and the best one to his religion is "The Origin of Species" of the "prophet Darwin". Atheists believe in it so much even though science disproved it, but atheism is a blind faith.
Look at this Church of atheism in Britain, then some ignorant God rejectors come and say atheism isn't a belief system ! What !

The forth pillar:
The atheist disbelieves in prophets and messengers, but he believes in preachers of atheism, and ascribes to them the attributes of infallibility, dignity and magnification. No day passes without mentioning Dawkns, Hitchens and Harris and praising famous his pathetic dogma's callers.
Look at their "Tops" calling their followers not to use their mind and common sense because they are the miracles of darwinian evolution that are so smart to understand things instead of them:

The fifth Pillar:
The atheists disbelieve in hereafter, but he believes in other worlds which he doesn't see and have no proof, he believes in it just because the mastermind preachers of atheism supposed it when the facts of today's science forced them to a narrow corner, and they got countless proofs of intelligent design in the universe, then they escaped to the myth of "Parallel Universes" .
Watch how famous atheists themselves are not convinced by what they teach their followers:
Look at this materialistic darwinist who admit he would accept anything that make him reject his creator:

The sixth pillar:
The atheist disbelieve in Divine Predestination, but he believes in obeying of the power of matter upon him, he is just a programmed Darwinist machine, that's why he denies his freedom, and in the best conditions he describes it as a delusion in his brain as a result of Darwinian evolution.
Watch this:

Do you know now how much of illogic resides in their heart and mind !
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I am staggered at the level of idiocity you have shown one post. Pretty much every point you made was a complete and flat out lie.

1) You claimed atheists are pantheists, this is a total lie!! Atheism, by definition, is simply the lack of belief in any deities meaning that atheists do not believe in pantheism. For the most part, atheist lack a belief in a God as a consequence of their being no evidence to verify his existence.

2) This claim is by far the most absurd. Atheism has no dogma or beliefs and thus you made something up right out of thin air to make a point that doesn't exist. Nonetheless, I think I know where you got that from. There is a scientific hypothesis (meaning it has no been verified to be true) which conveys the notion that life may be as a result of microbes which survived on asteroids when the Earth was being bombarded by them. This is no resembles what you just said and it is not an atheistic belief but a scientific hypothesis which has not been verified.

3) The origin of species is not a holy book and Darwin is not a prophet. Atheistm is not a belief system. Evolution is a scientific fact and the evidence is overwhelming. You are showing yourself incapable of having an honest and thoughtful debate that consists of actual facts rather than bold claims that you have no evidence for.

4) Richard Dawking, the late Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris are mere intellectuals who are capable of anything an average human is capable of. They are not preachers and they can be wrong. There are things espoused by Harris that I disagree with and there are things espoused by the other two which I disagree with. You are clearly attempting to merge atheism with the definition of religion in order so you can bring it down to the level of religion.

5) Again, atheism has no dogma or beliefs, it's simply a definition. Could you provide evidence of these atheistic beliefs.

6) The Free will issue has been ended thanks to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. Now, you are a believer and as a Muslim you believe in things that are logically not mutually inclusive. Predestination and Free will are not compatible and I have articulated this on many occasions on this sub.

You have shown yourself incapable of being intellectually honest. You have shown yourself incapable of understanding basic concepts such as evolution and its evidence. You have shown yourself incapable of having a basic discussion.

I will not reply to you if you don't correct your clearly false set of beliefs about atheism.
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