Meticulously calculated...........
Edit- Masaasbaa sheekada

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Edit- Masaasbaa sheekada
According to this poll 44% are Atheists/ Agnostics.
(35% Atheists and 9% Agnostics)
Didn't you know ?
nacalaa iyo sixiroolayaasha ku dhaleyba was, cid ku wareysatay majirto xayawaanyahow yahuuda kasoo faracmay.Yep, i can´t belive in a fairy tail book created by a supposedly illiterate camel jockey. I am sorry.
I don't participate in pollsThe poll is not accurate. Questions need to be asked such as How many Muslims/Atheists voted? I'm pretty sure if all 630 users voted, Atheists would still be choking on 35%.
What did I just read...I want to f*ck a , while drinking vodka and eating pork ribs outside a masjid, without getting killed. If i ever get terminal illness, i will do that. f*ck you´re cookies
I don't post much about gender inequality or reply to threads posted by mysognistic males who degrade proud Somali woman, as an atheist girl myself I welcome you to SSPOT
now what do you say you and me get out of this reeking thread and webchat
I want to know more about you
Don't you worry I won't bite promise