Atheists Have No Morals

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Bellum omnium contra omnes
Morality is abstract but it is inherent in humanity irrespective of religion or non religion.

What religion does is it grounds morality, atheism can often do the opposite, just look at the first few decades of the atheist soviet union and its complete disregard for human life and rights for human beings.

Possibly in their eyes it was justifiable due to them redefining morality in the eyes of atheism.

Nietzche one of the most greatest atheists, concludes in his magnum opus that for the new atheist man to fill in these holes left behind once religion or God is removed, man himself must become God.

In other words, we define mortality based on our limited concepts of it, this will end in failure.

Religion and morality are aspects of life that are part of the same family but it differs depending on the context these two terms are used.

Religion and atheism are two concepts that have certain beliefs that hold a certain fundamental to it. These terms, or concepts I may say, are not the fault of any certain event or incident that takes place in human history but it is the people that use it that are at fault(or not at fault if they use it correctly).

If I do remember, atheism or anti-religious thought has played a significant role in our human history. There were a significant concern of bloodshed and savagery caused by Christians in Europe which they used their religion to back their actions up. Luckily, the Enlightenment occurred which went against such ideologies and these 'religious' savages' influence dimmed whilst tolerance, scholasticism and deism had increased. Therefore, without people like Immanuel Kant, there wouldn't be a tolerance of people doing particular things for the name of religion.

Nietzche also said 'Morality is the herd-instinct of the individual' which means individuals do particular things for their societies and to meet their society's expectations rather than doing good or bad because that particular individual wants to do good.

It depends. Religious upbringing is not the only thing that helps contribute if one is moral or not but many other factors. Surely, the words 'good' and 'bad' are simply easy to understand and implement in your life. If you truly understand the meaning of those words then your morality shall not be lost.
What a qashin video. :ivers:

Atheists are quite the smug cats when dealing with the illogical Christian or an uninformed (hence frustrated) Muslim.

Can you explain to me why psychopathy is irrational? If your demise leads to my benefit, what stops me from exploiting that?

Atheists arrogantly take these ethics as a given - a purely logical output. There is no logical reason for me to wince in empathy for a skateboarder - if anything it's a crippling burden as a evolutionary creature who's entire purpose is to continue. Why do I want to imagine the pain of others - wouldn't sympathy be enough?

β€œMorality is neither rational nor absolute nor natural. The world has known many moral systems, each of which advances claims universality; all moral systems are therefore particular, serving a specific purpose for their propagators or creators, and enforcing a certain regime that disciplines human beings for social life by narrowing our perspectives and limiting our horizons.”
Friedrich Nietzsche
One question. How is Allah the most merciful if he's torturing people for eternity? Surely even i'm more merciful than that.
Allah is the most merciful but also Allah is shadeed Al ciqab Allah never treats anyone unfairly if you didn't hear about his message you're not going to hell if you died young if age you're also not going to hell the only people that are going to hell are the people that listened and knew about Allah's message but choose not to follow it these people Allah will give them their ajir in dunia.
Allah is the most merciful but also Allah is shadeed Al ciqab Allah never treats anyone unfairly if you didn't hear about his message you're not going to hell if you died young if age you're also not going to hell the only people that are going to hell are the people that listened and knew about Allah's message but choose not to follow it these people Allah will give them their ajir in dunia.
Damn. I wish i never heard of it so i can chill all my life and still avoid hell. Seems kinda unfair for those that have heard of it tho.


I have no proof, only whispers
Allah is the most merciful but also Allah is shadeed Al ciqab Allah never treats anyone unfairly if you didn't hear about his message you're not going to hell if you died young if age you're also not going to hell the only people that are going to hell are the people that listened and knew about Allah's message but choose not to follow it these people Allah will give them their ajir in dunia.

Why do some people get a free pass and others don't? Why was I cursed with living up to adulthood, being of sound mind, and hearing about the religion?

The word merciful can not be used to describe a god who would send his fallible creation to be tortured for eternity because they made the wrong choice.
Why do some people get a free pass and others don't? Why was I cursed with living up to adulthood, being of sound mind, and hearing about the religion?

The word merciful can not be used to describe a god who would send his fallible creation to be tortured for eternity because they made the wrong choice.
You were told to follow the religion and you refused why should you get the same treatment as someone who obeyed allahs message the life we are living is a test from Allah you either pass the test or fail
Problem with atheists is they don't study logic thoroughly, they say stupid things like Bernard Lewis 'The universe is just there', logic was always seen as a propaeduetic science even in the Islamic tradition, it's only now with modern man that you can hold empirical science as the only acceptable evidence in the real world.

Morality might predate religion, but what is religion? Islam argues that it is based upon the primordial nature of human beings, not long ago a Oxford study proved human beings from a young age naturally seek out a creator.

The real question is, do atheists have a objective morality that doesn't change, or is their concept of morality changeable depending on the circumstances. It's all philosophy.

without religion, human beings would sleeping with animals.....oh wait it's already happening now
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