athiests come in.

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@JohnDoe You don't know what you are. On one hand you're anti-religion, and on the other your contemplating to believe in God. I'd stick to Atheism if I where you.

I'm not contemplating whether I do or not I'm just humble enough to not have an opinion on the matter. Do I believe in the God of a 7th century desert Arab? No and that's all I have to say on the issue.
I'm not contemplating whether I do or not I'm just humble enough to not have an opinion on the matter. Do I believe in the God of a 7th century desert Arab? No and that's all I have to say on the issue.

لآ اِلَهَ اِلّا اللّهُ مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُوُل اللّه
I'm not contemplating whether I do or not I'm just humble enough to not have an opinion on the matter. Do I believe in the God of a 7th century desert Arab? No and that's all I have to say on the issue.

@JohnDoe You are entitled to your opinion, and what you believe in. But don't insult our Prophet.
@JohnDoe You are entitled to your opinion, and what you believe in. But don't insult our Prophet.

I know I'm entitled to my beliefs just as you are yours but that's only because of the society I live in. Would I have the same guarantee in an Islamic State?

That wasn't an insult last time I checked Muhammad fit that description saaxib.
One thing people have to understand, our prophet doesn't need our protection. I don't understand why people go Ape shit over stupid insults. First of all, It's their opinion, and secondly, God will deal with them.

Protection is a big word. Your forgetting the Prophet SAW lived 1400 years ago, so what protection. Insults however, is something we will not accept.
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