Attending weedings is so fun

Its was fun deciding what to wear, how I would do my makeup and discussing with my friends how we were planning on doing our hair, i decided to keep it curly but helped my sisters and friends curling, straightening and blow drying theirs. The Somali community is pretty small where I live so it was so exciting to meet some other girls and make friends. My favorite part was the buranbuur and how everyone was hyping the dancers up. Its been a while so I forgot what it was like (i was 6-7 last time I attended one?) i remember going outside sitting nearby with my friends chatting, it was windy and it just felt weird. So long since I last felt wind on my scalp and how it looked like when my hair blew in the wind. It was a fun night to remember ♡
(image down below isn't mine but an example since taking pictures weren't allowed. I thought it was bc it was a girls only event but there were dude's there too so Idk)
Its was fun deciding what to wear, how I would do my makeup and discussing with my friends how we were planning on doing our hair, i decided to keep it curly but helped my sisters and friends curling, straightening and blow drying theirs. The Somali community is pretty small where I live so it was so exciting to meet some other girls and make friends. My favorite part was the buranbuur and how everyone was hyping the dancers up. Its been a while so I forgot what it was like (i was 6-7 last time I attended one?) i remember going outside sitting nearby with my friends chatting, it was windy and it just felt weird. So long since I last felt wind on my scalp and how it looked like when my hair blew in the wind. It was a fun night to remember ♡
(image down below isn't mine but an example since taking pictures weren't allowed. I thought it was bc it was a girls only event but there were dude's there too so Idk)View attachment 333182
true, its so fun buying the clothes, matching your makeup and getting your henna done. I love attending weddings
Ive had opportunities to go to some but I’m extremely lazy I don’t have the energy 😭😭😭
Your missing out on the great food, experience and get to see other people Dirac and the bride slammed up. Don't regret later and go as soon as your invited your young and have plenty of time to experience. Of course avoid if there's haram in the wedding e.g free-mixing and other sinful things.