Prince of Lasanod
Eid trim pending
I don't know what the f*ck you just said but yeahOromos are vertically challenged people who carry genes from Omotic untermenschen.
I don't know what the f*ck you just said but yeahOromos are vertically challenged people who carry genes from Omotic untermenschen.
Somali ubermenschen?Oromos are vertically challenged people who carry genes from Omotic untermenschen.
See this is what I was talking about.Oromos are vertically challenged people who carry genes from Omotic untermenschen.
It's very easy.
It won't be visible on 23andMe's platform. But when using their data through certain computer programs you will be able to see it it.
How? Please explain this.
Ninyaho I'm legit scared of taking that test and finding out that I've got Oromo blood in me. All that shit I've been saying about them would come back to haunt me. I would be like that redneck who found out he's 1/16th black or something like that
No Somali clan has the ability or even desire to wipe another clan out . the civil wAr was a rare event in Somali history and will never happen again .even then , no clan managed to wipe another out ;the somali clan borders, save a few movements , have remained the same over a long period time .I'm not discussing the beauty of tradition.
I'm discussing the dogma and dillision of one tribe wanting to whip another out.
If you don't know what an E3B1 means than you are just trolling.
Let's just agree to disagree.
Car ha iska qaadaan kuwa Arab sheeganaya lol waa fuliyaal :siilaanyolaugh:
I took it a while back and discovered my great great great x3000 awoow was a near eastern neolithic farmer (HG T). Haven't done the Autosomal test yet , thinking of doing that too , I'll probably get the typical Somali results ( 60% east African , 40% ME).
I don't know man it's tempting, especially now since they're gonna use real east African cushitic samples as a reference , instead of south eastern bantu.Stay away from Autosomal.
i hope everyone emailed , and told them off for putting us as slaves in their webpage. fucking dogs
You fools need to stop confusing haplogroups with races.
They are essentially meaningless. It is just the genetic version of a surname.
You can look like anything and still carry the haplogroup of a totally different racial group. Those Arabians with E1b1b1 do not have Somali origins at all. Some of their E has been in the Arabian peninsula for literally 10,000 of years.
Some of the J1 in Somalia may also not be Arabian in origin at all. It could be very old (+5000 year old presence).
In Somali dhaqan, patrilineal lineage determines your race. It is a system you all inherited from your Arab forefathers. A man can have the typical Somali look and be effectively 88% autosomally Somali, but if his qabil is not one of the Lamagodley qabils, then he will never be considered one. Likewise, the former governor of Bari is a true blue MJ and likely a true descendant of Darod, which according to tradition actually makes him an Arab.
Even if you disagree with the classical abtirsi, you cannot deny that 'you are what your father is' in the culture and your haplotype is basically your race. Somalis do not care for phenotype or autosomal ancestry.
He's not MJ or Darood. I would appreciate it if people stopped spreading this lie. His mother is MJ but he is not.
This is news to me. What is he then?
You think I'm joking, but ask anyone in the know and they will tell you his father was a seasonal fisherman from Zanzibar. Why is this surprising to you? Sheikh Mohamed Idris was born in Qandala but his father is Eritrean. It happens. Would you say the Sheikh isn't Somali?
How did an apparent non-Faradheer let alone a non-MJ become governor of Bari? Is this widely known to the people on the ground?
The Carab Salax are not Darod. They are assimilated Yemenites (barely anyway, besides the lineage they are completely Cushitified).