Aussie Professional Success Stories


@Nilotic if u add melbourne n sydney poverty rate, they wud only fill up 10 towers maximum, wallahi inaysan xafaad buxin karin iskaba daa half a magaalo and u know that, tell this idiot @Roorigeg the australian dream is realistic here with an excellent social safety system
@Nilotic tell @Roorigeg for every city in australia only one tower of poverty exists loooooool not one suburb or half the city like him. Everywhere is middle class suburbs

He knows that he can only point to a small handful of towers in Australia because (unlike the U.S.) Australia doesn't have entire areas defined by somber poverty and dilapidated infrastructure.

If he came over here, he would never want to go back to the States, because we actually have healthcare that isn't contingent on healthcare plans provided by employers; we can leave our jobs without worrying about giving up our healthcare, like some medieval Serfs.
@Nilotic that's all his @Roorigeg is rendered too, showin one tower of a city of 5 million in sydney. Where-as half his continent live like that, he can't win and just repeats the same youtube token poverty person.

Same youtube video? What I shared was from the mainstream Australian news channels. You can't accept the fact that, just like any other country, the banana republic aka Australian has enough bums, homelessness, and wonkers, and Somali and South Sudanese are big part of the gangs over there. It also explains why Australia doesn't want to accept Somali and South Sudanese asylum seekers. They get enough poor, mentally ill, homelessness, and gangs. Therefore, no need to expand that gene pool.
@Roorigeg tokenism youtube searches, no statistic. Those towers is 1000 people out of 5 million. Waryaa your poverty rate is 200 million people nation wide, don't u get it.

You're just spewing a hot air. America's poverty rate was 9.3% in 2021 due to the pandemic and businesses getting shut down as a result. However, in Australia, the poverty rate is at 13.6%. You're just chatting shit. Man, spare me with hollow pravado that you're throwing around, thinking your banana republic is heaven. It is not. It is doing far worse than the most of Western countries.

United State:

"'The Columbia team estimated that poverty in 2021 rose to a high of 14.3% in February and declined to 9.3% — its lowest level of the year — in March, when families received economic impact payments, as well as income tax and child tax credits."

Source: estimated that,tax and child tax credits.

"Australia is a signatory to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. The first of these goals is “No poverty”. However, Australia has the 16th highest poverty rate out of the 34 wealthiest countries in the OECD – higher than the average for the OECD; higher than the UK, Germany and New Zealand. People living in poverty in Australia often miss out on essentials such as food or a roof over their heads. Children living in poverty often miss out on items such as school excursions.

Our 2020 report Poverty in Australia 2020: Part 1, Overview found that there are 3.24 million people (13.6%) living below the poverty line of 50% of median income – including 774,000 children (17.7%) and 424,800 young people (13.9%).

He knows that he can only point to a small handful of towers in Australia because (unlike the U.S.) Australia doesn't have entire areas defined by somber poverty and dilapidated infrastructure.

If he came over here, he would never want to go back to the States, because we actually have healthcare that isn't contingent on healthcare plans provided by employers; we can leave our jobs without worrying about giving up our healthcare, like some medieval Serfs.


"Australia is a signatory to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. The first of these goals is “No poverty”. However, Australia has the 16th highest poverty rate out of the 34 wealthiest countries in the OECD – higher than the average for the OECD; higher than the UK, Germany and New Zealand. People living in poverty in Australia often miss out on essentials such as food or a roof over their heads. Children living in poverty often miss out on items such as school excursions.

Our 2020 report Poverty in Australia 2020: Part 1, Overview found that there are 3.24 million people (13.6%) living below the poverty line of 50% of median income – including 774,000 children (17.7%) and 424,800 young people (13.9%).

The report further found that:
  • More than one in eight adults and more than one in six children are living in poverty.
  • Many of those affected are living in deep poverty – the average ‘poverty gap’ (the difference between the incomes of people in poverty in various types of families and the poverty line) is $282pw

Wtf, these guys don't read. A country of 25 million people has 13.6% of its people who live below the poverty line. That is a disaster.



Waryaa @Roorigeg Our relative poverty isn't much higher then the OECD average unlike your poverty rate. If 1 in 8 poor, america is 1 in 4 poverty rates. As I always claimed we are not scandenivia but we are not like america either and our numbers show we are in between both extreme low poverty and extreme high poverty like america.

Even ur silly articles show your america at the worst figures.

The average OECD relative poverty rate (i.e. the share of people living with less than half the median disposable income in their country) was 11.7% in 2016 for the OECD (Figure 6.4). Poverty rates were highest in Israel and the United States at almost 18%, while poverty in Denmark and Finland affected only 5-6% of the population.