Autism in the Somali community

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I have no proof, only whispers
Why would I use a chemical laden product that blocks my bodies ability to excrete toxins through my sweat glands?

A product that has toxic aluminium that crosses the blood/brain barrier and is now linked to Alzheimer as well as breast cancer in female's?

What does this have to do with white men? even the white conscious community doesn't use this garbage, we all use natural crystal deodorant which ancient communities used.

Is there a journal purely focused on debunked studies you got all this dogshit from that you take as gospel?

Please don't be walking around smelling like BO at least use the aluminum free deodorants...

Also you don't sweat out toxins from your body. It's the livers job to get that done. Sweating is a mechanism to regulate your body temperature.
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I would like to try it. Where can I find sea salts? And what diet makes u stink?


You will find these in all health stores, you apply it after shower on wet parts, you will still sweat naturally as intended but it will kill all the bacteria that cause the smell.

If you have been using chemical laden stuff for decades, you may have to apply this twice a day in the first few weeks due to the volume of sweat (clearing of toxins you been blocking for decades)

When you use it long enough, you will find that even on the odd days you forget, it's no big deal.

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Majeertentitis Research Institute
There is a big difference between pumping you full of this stuff + mercury and the rest of the dangerous chemicals as opposed to a little baby whose immune system hasn't developed yet.

You only got 4, they get a lot more then that at a young age.

The image below is from their own official website were they attempt to debunk the 72 doses of vaccines until the child reaches 18 in 2016, they are arguing it's just 52! each of these loaded with toxins, pig cells, monkey cells and aborted fetus cells.



You disputing the fact they use aborted fetus cells in vaccines? this stuff is no secret, do you even read the ingredient list?

wax lagu qasaarey ba tahay and to think that I used to hold you in much higher esteem before.
Its insane, they are now giving pregnant women DTP shots. Baby born minutes ago gets HEP B shot smh


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
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You will find these in all health stores, you apply it after shower on wet parts, you will still sweat naturally as intended but it will kill all the bacteria that cause the smell.

If you have been using chemical laden stuff for decades, you may have to apply this twice a day in the first few weeks due to the volume of sweat (clearing of toxins you been blocking for decades)

When you use it long enough, you will find that even on the odd days you forget, it's no big deal.

I am going to try it. If I stink and I notice people raising their nostril in the air trying to google their eyes to see where the smell is coming from, I am suing u, just letting u know


Wanaag iyo Dhiig kar



The debate is no longer about whether it benefits you or not, it's outright haram, and I am not even counting the pig/beef/monkey cells.

There is a reason why this disease disproportionately and significantly affect boys only, they use cells deprived from aborted female fetus.

These are not the same vaccines that we had back in those days, I have yet to come across a single Somali family that opted out on religious grounds (due to the pork/beef that is included) whose child has autism.

This disease is virtually unknown back home, vaccines are the main cause of this!

Autism isn’t a disease , it’s a developmental disorder and the reason why it’s unknown back home is because it’s never diagnosed due to lack of awareness and health services . The Somali language doesn’t even have a word for autism, anyone with a disability is called “curyaan” whether they have Down syndrome, cerebral palsy or other conditions.

And the evil vaccine you accuse of causing autism actually saves children’s lives. Why do you think Somalia has one of the highest under 5 child mortality rates in the world.


Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Majeertentitis Research Institute
Autism isn’t a disease , it’s a developmental disorder and the reason why it’s unknown back home is because it’s never diagnosed due to lack of awareness and health services . The Somali language doesn’t even have a word for autism, anyone with a disability is called “curyaan” whether they have Down syndrome, cerebral palsy or other conditions.

And the evil vaccine you accuse of causing autism actually saves children’s lives. Why do you think Somalia has one of the highest under 5 child mortality rates in the world.

Better Nutrition and and good Sanitation was what brought down the mortality rates in the west not vaccines. Once they stopped shitting outside and build sewage systems, it went down drastically
Better Nutrition and and good Sanitation was what brought down the mortality rates in the west not vaccines. Once they stopped shitting outside and build sewage systems, it went down drastically

I have noticed a trend, it's always the irreligious types that are pro vaccine and always hoodwinked by the social engineers, it's a punishment sent down to these people from above.

This is your typical female that has dedicated much of her life studying rockefeller medicines in university, I tend to avoid these types of people, they see this as an attack against their careers.

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Majeertentitis Research Institute
I have noticed a trend, it's always the irreligious types that are pro vaccine and always hoodwinked by the social engineers, it's a punishment sent down to these people from above.

This is your typical female that has dedicated much of her life studying rockefeller medicines in university, I tend to avoid these types of people, they see this as an attack against their careers.
I spoke with many doctors and you'd be amazed the amount of time they spend on vaccines in medical school. All they are told is vaccines are vital and saved humanity and they move on to the next subject. You can question anything else in medicine but not vaccines.


You posted this earlier, people dont know the spike in vaccine coincided with congress passing a law where you cant sue vaccine makers incase of death or injury. I am pretty sure they are working on a fart vaccine right now.
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You will find these in all health stores, you apply it after shower on wet parts, you will still sweat naturally as intended but it will kill all the bacteria that cause the smell.

If you have been using chemical laden stuff for decades, you may have to apply this twice a day in the first few weeks due to the volume of sweat (clearing of toxins you been blocking for decades)

When you use it long enough, you will find that even on the odd days you forget, it's no big deal.
no kidding. When I used to use antiperspirants, when I didn’t use them I had the worse armpit smell and it made me self conscious. I started using my own homemade one made from baking powder, lemon and sea salt and I no longer had that issue. Anti perspiration’s are terrible in general but the worse of it is the aluminum in there. No wonder everyone is suffering from mental imbalances with all these heavy metals


Islamic Fanfiction Writer



The debate is no longer about whether it benefits you or not, it's outright haram, and I am not even counting the pig/beef/monkey cells.

There is a reason why this disease disproportionately and significantly affect boys only, they use cells deprived from aborted female fetus.

These are not the same vaccines that we had back in those days, I have yet to come across a single Somali family that opted out on religious grounds (due to the pork/beef that is included) whose child has autism.

This disease is virtually unknown back home, vaccines are the main cause of this!
Sources, bring them over
no kidding. When I used to use antiperspirants, when I didn’t use them I had the worse armpit smell and it made me self conscious. I started using my own homemade one made from baking powder, lemon and sea salt and I no longer had that issue. Anti perspiration’s are terrible in general but the worse of it is the aluminum in there. No wonder everyone is suffering from mental imbalances with all these heavy metals

It's the cause of dementia and Alzheimer's in human's, it's also killing off the bees through cognitive dysfunction, mental imbalances are early signs of this poisoning.

It's one of the few metals that crosses the blood/brain barrier, they found large deposits of Aluminium in the brains of patients that suffer from those conditions. (even found in bees)

Deodorants are not the only source of this, aluminium use is heavy in takeaway foods, they use the foil extensively for baking and grilling, people even use it at home.

The same applies for those that smoke Shiisha, people are inadvertently poisoning themselves without even knowing.
It's the cause of dementia and Alzheimer's in human's, it's also killing off the bees through cognitive dysfunction, mental imbalances are early signs of this poisoning.

It's one of the few metals that crosses the blood/brain barrier, they found large deposits of Aluminium in the brains of patients that suffer from those conditions. (even found in bees)

Deodorants are not the only source of this, aluminium use is heavy in takeaway foods, they use the foil extensively for baking and grilling, people even use it at home.

The same applies for those that smoke Shiisha, people are inadvertently poisoning themselves without even knowing.
Make sure you eat plenty of cilantro and parsley. Both have natural chelating properties :nvjpqts:
Thread is for #WorldAutismDay
Autism is very high in the Somali community
1 in 32 Somali children in Minnesota have autism compared to 1 in 62 for African Americans and 1 in 36 for White Americans (

In Sweden and Canada, Somali communities are noted as having a higher than average rate of Autism

Yet Somalis are still silent and uneducated about this disease. I have an autistic cousin myself. Do you guys have any autistic relatives?

The ones i know are quite intelligent but the ones in Somalia their IQ is drooping fast


The Prodigy
I think those shitty vaccines as a teen is what impacted my health so much then. :frdfvsb:

It's starting to make sense :birdman: f*ck Vaccines
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