Your map is not linked and is certainly not accurate. This map, although circa 1977, shows the Gosha Sultanate as the pink area in the Lower Jubba. The Geledi Sultanate was incorporated into Italian Somaliland in 1908, and at the time of your map all the blue and gray areas were under Italian administration.
I'm sorry you're making things worse for yourself. The clan map you have shown is extremely inaccurate. Bantus do not surround Beledweyne or any Shebelle river and Jubba river areas. Bantus do not surround Baidoa or Afgooye. Hawiye borders Galkayo and lives in northern galgaduud and southwest of Mudug. Darood (Marehan) only live on the border of Ethiopia and Somalia. Isaaq territory in Hawd goes far deeper and also in eastern Somaliland they go deeper. I can mention many more errors in that map alone. You really don't know anything about Somalis do you?
The map you even shown even shows Rahanweyn living on the eastern side of Jubba river but anyways, the map I have shown you is an accurate map and was made during the protectorate era of Somalia.
Again, Gosha were Bantu slaves for Geledi Sultanate to work on the Jubba plantation so stop your fabrication please.