Backward cleric says educated women without kids are unhappy


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I think having kids and not having kids is a direct sign of Allaahs swt will. I am not causing blasphemy here for presuming to speak for Allaah swt. Allaah swt said himself in the Quran-- not a thing in the womb or a moving organism on earth moves be without my knowledge. or will.

Bart Simpson

El barto
A child’s first teacher is their mother. Even Islam says so obviously you don’t know nothing about Islam. Dumb mother = dumb children
Lol child first teacher is not the mother
Mother job is to take care of the child and feed it and it is the father job to teach the child and the father is the teacher of the child at early age then school teacher
And bring evidence that islam says the the mother is the child teacher
Lol u funny

Bart Simpson

El barto
Who said anything about marrying at 40? Most women marry by 25 with their degrees and jobs. You think a woman needs to wait until she’s 40 to be successful? What world do you come from? The men am talking to here are the ones who hates seeing girls getting their further education and wants them to dependent on their husbands for rest of their lives, the same predators that run after 16 years old in schools.
Again woman have every right to be educated and to study and no where does in islam says a old man can marry 16 year old kid
Those are use deen for their own desire


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