HabarJeclo in Sanag is like talking about Majeerteen in Cadaado, RareErigavo is not majority Warsangeli lool, you are gassed bro. Its demographic majority is HY, HJ..
The three biggest cities in Sanaag are majority HY, HJ.
HabarJeclo in Sanag is like talking about Majeerteen in Cadaado, RareErigavo is not majority Warsangeli lool, you are gassed bro. Its demographic majority is HY, HJ..
The three biggest cities in Sanaag are majority HY, HJ.
@Cognitivedissonance that incident was in 2015 September. While Cirro resigned in 2017 to prepare for his presidential bid.
So not only was ciro manhandle by bashe for his job but muuse bixi stoke the elections too![]()
Let’s juat hope dhulbhante and warsengeli don’t loose anymore land otherwise we might have to share bosaso garoowe qardho and galkacyo with them kkk
So you see no Dhulo sellouts can speak back to a HY. Atleast the Warsans are proud people who stick to their Daroodniimo.
Dhulos are wannabe Isaaqs. All their females nowadays wear Sland bracelets.
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@Boqor mother is Isaac so is faroole two wives and many dhulbhante have Isaac mothers that why many of them support somaliland
@Boqor mother is Isaac and he’s more pro Isaac than many dhulbhante likewise many dhulbhante have Isaac mothers, boqor previously defended muuse bixi even referring to him as his uncle, Isaac women breed cuqdad@Boqor kkkk why do they hate being Darood horta? I remember back in 2004 while walking to my house this Dhulo kid followed me just to tell me he is a "Somalilander" I was like wtf, do you want cookies or something. I knew from that day there was something wrong. You will never see this behavior with Warsangeli, Leelkase, MJ, Marehan etc.
Sanaag belongs to HY, HJ and Dhulbahante. Mostly HY tho warsangeli out of all of those are minority..When is HJ majority in sanaag
HJ is minority in West sanaag while warsengali is majority in sanaag as a whole.Isaaq vs darood is around 50/50 but when u go by subclans warsengali is majority in the region.From ceerigabo to bosaso all the all the way down to parts of northern sool.There are only a few cities in Sanaag , major one is ceerigabo which is shared between HY and warsan.
Ceelayo is a warsan city, Badhan is warsan city, las khorey is warsan city.Hundreds of smaller towns are littered in the East .HJ have what? Ceelafweyn
@Boqor mother is Isaac and he’s more pro Isaac than many dhulbhante Isaac women breed cuqdad
@Boqor mother is Isaac so is faroole two wives and many dhulbhante have Isaac mothers that why many of them support somaliland
Personally most dhulbhante I know have habar jeclo mothers that’s why many dhulbhante are empathetic towards somaliland just like @Boqor who doesn’t even settle with Isaac and from mudug just cause his mother is Isaac so imagine the dhulbhante Who live next to Isaac?That is normal intermarriages. However the Idoor kids in Las Anod are the product of the
Sland soldiers. Before 2007 there was no single Isaaq soul in Las Anod very rare but now
suddenly there is lots of Isaaq children running around in the city.
@Boqor kkkk why do they hate being Darood horta? I remember back in 2004 while walking to my house this Dhulo kid followed me just to tell me he is a "Somalilander" I was like wtf, do you want cookies or something. I knew from that day there was something wrong. You will never see this behavior with Warsangeli, Leelkase, MJ, Marehan etc.
Personally most dhulbhante I know have habar jeclo mothers that’s why many dhulbhante are empathetic towards somaliland just like @Boqor who doesn’t even settle with Isaac and from mudug just cause his mother is Isaac so imagine the dhulbhante Who live next to Isaac?
Indeed it is true HJ use to be cumbucket for Dhulos but now it stopped. Their women turned to HY men and other Isaaqs. Were's Dhulo women are for all Isaaqs now. Times changed.
The same behavioour comes from isaaqs wallahi I have seen an isaaq attack leelkase guy because leelkase guy said something about dhulbahantes which didn't involve isaaqs (it was inter-darood banter). They have some kind of love-hate relationship.
Personally if anyone has an isaac mother I view them as Isaac cause unlike Ismail descendants the descendants of Isaac take on their mothers abtiris just like drake and Craig David and the children of IsraelAllow dhowr SomalilandView attachment 39238
Alxamdulilah Republic of Somaliland will succeed with Habar awal leaders for they are the most politically superior and also richest, they even have the most noble history out of reer sheekh Isaaq as they were tradesmen who use to con doqonki caagta dheera
Isaac are smart they have used a mans ultimate weakness women to take over dhulbhante land that’s why dhulbhante are passive empathetic when it comes to Isaac cause most dhulbhante have Isaac mothersThat behaviour exists only among few sub clans of Jeegaanta since they see the Dhulos as their relatives.