Balding guy comes at us for no reason


Shoulda, woulda, coulda
he didnt come at somalis for no reason. He came at them for very simple reason engagement. this guy is looking for views, clicks, and notoriety which equals money in his pocket. best thing to do is click ignore and see less like this. commenting on his post to disagree with him and argue just means him getting what he wants
true but im surprised how quick the likes accumlate on these posts when i saw it like 30 mins ago it only had 4k likes now 10k, twitter has been the worst app for us its where the tiktok trend started cos of twitter

Dalac Bilaash

☠ Emperor of The Horn ☠
true but im surprised how quick the likes accumlate on these posts when i saw it like 30 mins ago it only had 4k likes now 10k, twitter has been the worst app for us its where the tiktok trend started cos of twitter
Yeah the algorithm is pushing all sorts of Negative posts regarding Somalis and you guys need to stop posting such tweet here because you're also part of the team that's boosting them
Thats why I grew mine and flex on them like maxaa ka galey. Start with the leave in conditioner as a primer, fill in with curling smoothie, seal it with a eco style gel and couple of drops of coco nut oil to make them popp. Walking like Mufasa on the street