Bale and east hararghe in Somalia


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
What about west hararghe
Lots of Somalis live in west hararghe, miesso is like 50% hawiye and gadabursi live from asseb teferi all the way down to balbaleti. Lots of qallu sheekhaal also live there too. West hararghe is almost if not over 50% somali but the problem is many of those somalis don’t identify as somali, they call themselves oromo but speak both languages

The Camels of Cal madow

Porcupine and proud
Lots of Somalis live in west hararghe, miesso is like 50% hawiye and gadabursi live from asseb teferi all the way down to balbaleti. Lots of qallu sheekhaal also live there too. West hararghe is almost if not over 50% somali but the problem is many of those somalis don’t identify as somali, they call themselves oromo but speak both languages
We shall welcome them to the Somali fold. The reason they claim oromo is because Somalis are viewed as starving barbarians. But if Somalis became richer watch how they will flock to us.:fittytousand::fittytousand::fittytousand:


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
We shall welcome them to the Somali fold. The reason they claim oromo is because Somalis are viewed as starving barbarians. But if Somalis became richer watch how they will flock to us.:fittytousand::fittytousand::fittytousand:
K5 is a lost cause saaxib. I was just talking to a guy who’s jarso and claims to be oromo. He’s from chinaksen, look how close that is to the Somaliland boarder. It’s all a lost cause lol we’re all gonna be oromo soon
I don't know. It is deep within oromia. it is possible we could take east hararghe but we would have to expand into the regions
We should definitely annex those regions for the future of somalia. Make these regions bilingual, where oromo and somali can be spoken freely. Many oromos can already speak somali, I actually know one.
We should definitely annex those regions for the future of somalia. Make these regions bilingual, where oromo and somali can be spoken freely. Many oromos can already speak somali, I actually know one.

None of this will never happen. The Oromos from these regions are very proud Oromos and woulddo anything for Oromia. We’d likely would rather have a healthy relationship with Bruno ring Somalis but not join your nation.


None of this will never happen. The Oromos from these regions are very proud Oromos and woulddo anything for Oromia. We’d likely would rather have a healthy relationship with Bruno ring Somalis but not join your nation.
what do you think of a country for muslim horners with local autonomy for all ethnicities?
what do you think of a country for muslim horners with local autonomy for all ethnicities?

Ideally, it sounds great and would love for that to happen. But realistically, it would never work. We are too tribal and divided in the horn. Somalis wouldn’t want Oromos to rule them and vise versa. Same goes with other ethnicities in the region. There also the issue with language. We don’t have a common spoken language. We can’t make an official Somali when a large portion or majority will be Oromo andvise versa. How are the people supposed to just pick up a new language. Best thing to do is have free trade and work on developing the region.
Ideally, it sounds great and would love for that to happen. But realistically, it would never work. We are too tribal and divided in the horn. Somalis wouldn’t want Oromos to rule them and vise versa. Same goes with other ethnicities in the region. There also the issue with language. We don’t have a common spoken language. We can’t make an official Somali when a large portion or majority will be Oromo andvise versa. How are the people supposed to just pick up a new language. Best thing to do is have free trade and work on developing the region.
Adal was multicultural and it thrived as a Muslim sultanate. The closer people come to the deen the futher they go from ethnic nationalism. I do think it’s possible for somalis and oromo Muslims (aswell as other muslim Ethiopians excluding gurage) to become a single nation but there would be things we need to weed out. The main issue would be somalis wanting to expand into oromia and oromos wanting to expand into Somalia, both these ethnicities are extremely expansionist by nature and claim eachothers land. But with the deen we can twist this energy and direct it towards the evil foreigners or the evil amhara Christians that have been torturing us Muslims (regardless of ethnicity) for so long. I hope for a future where oromo Muslims and somali Muslims can form a single nation based on not ethnicity but the deen, look at Somalia today, a supposed ethno state that’s now a failed state. This would never happen with a nation built on the words of the almighty. Off topic but I believe most of you people fight battles that don’t exist, oromo nationalists and somali nationalists claim each others land but the oromos and the somalis that boarder eachother love eachother more than some of you love your fellow members of your respective ethnicity, the fact that the boarder regions are entirely bi lingual in both languages is more than enough evidence that there is definitely love there. I have oromo family, my mother is jidwaq and her brother is married to an arsi oromo women and my entire family cherish and respect her because as much as people futher us apart oromos and somalis are brothers that cannot be seperated, we boarder eachother from hararghe down to lake tana in kenya and there are entire clans that are a product of intermarriage between the 2 groups it hurts me seeing us fight when we could just unite on the basis of the deen that we both share. With the case of Christian oromos I genuinely don’t feel a bond with them and I feel like most of them would rather stay with their amhara fellow Christians anyway, if you go to Addis Ababa or other parts of shewa they don’t even consider themselves oromo first. This is all very unlikely and has many obstacles mainly “Ethiopia” and as much as I wouldn’t want to admit it, my country of somaliland is also an obstacle but if this does happen, I see a Muslim powerhouse in the horn forming that will shake the western world and will also be a beacon of hope to the Muslim world “two huge rival ethnic groups set aside their differences and unite on the basis of allahs words”. Makes me happy just thinking about it
Adal was multicultural and it thrived as a Muslim sultanate. The closer people come to the deen the futher they go from ethnic nationalism. I do think it’s possible for somalis and oromo Muslims (aswell as other muslim Ethiopians excluding gurage) to become a single nation but there would be things we need to weed out. The main issue would be somalis wanting to expand into oromia and oromos wanting to expand into Somalia, both these ethnicities are extremely expansionist by nature and claim eachothers land. But with the deen we can twist this energy and direct it towards the evil foreigners or the evil amhara Christians that have been torturing us Muslims (regardless of ethnicity) for so long. I hope for a future where oromo Muslims and somali Muslims can form a single nation based on not ethnicity but the deen, look at Somalia today, a supposed ethno state that’s now a failed state. This would never happen with a nation built on the words of the almighty. Off topic but I believe most of you people fight battles that don’t exist, oromo nationalists and somali nationalists claim each others land but the oromos and the somalis that boarder eachother love eachother more than some of you love your fellow members of your respective ethnicity, the fact that the boarder regions are entirely bi lingual in both languages is more than enough evidence that there is definitely love there. I have oromo family, my mother is jidwaq and her brother is married to an arsi oromo women and my entire family cherish and respect her because as much as people futher us apart oromos and somalis are brothers that cannot be seperated, we boarder eachother from hararghe down to lake tana in kenya and there are entire clans that are a product of intermarriage between the 2 groups it hurts me seeing us fight when we could just unite on the basis of the deen that we both share. With the case of Christian oromos I genuinely don’t feel a bond with them and I feel like most of them would rather stay with their amhara fellow Christians anyway, if you go to Addis Ababa or other parts of shewa they don’t even consider themselves oromo first. This is all very unlikely and has many obstacles mainly “Ethiopia” and as much as I wouldn’t want to admit it, my country of somaliland is also an obstacle but if this does happen, I see a Muslim powerhouse in the horn forming that will shake the western world and will also be a beacon of hope to the Muslim world “two huge rival ethnic groups set aside their differences and unite on the basis of allahs words”. Makes me happy just thinking about it View attachment 177461

I agree with almost everything you said. But our people today are too focused on nationalism and are far from focused on the deen aspect and uniting. It would definitely be great if this were to happen but on a realistic factor I don’t see this happening in the next 50 years or further down the line.

Trust me I know how close we can be. I am a product of the intermix border community. I love both sides but there is a lot of work that is needed on everyone.

When it comes to Christian Oromos, believe it or not, they see Somalis as their Cushitic brothers. They have no hard feelings towards you. The only ones who would choose Amharas are those who are orthodox which is usually the Shawan Oromos.

I think our peoples need to learn on how to move forward, grow and successfully interact with eachother. Work on theirselves and then later in life InshaAllah work on some sort of unity. We can’topen hands and help eachother if we haven’t started on ourselves first.