Banadir Regional Court sentences man who burned his wife to death

With death, in Islam, punishment is quite clear:
a) death, b) di'a, or c) forgiveness, and the final decision rests with the family of the victim.

However, for the 'Xeer' crowd, clans have existing laws, where death is concerned, and the question is what is the 'xeer' between the two clans in question? With that in mind, if the victim's family agrees with the villain's to settle the matter, on the basis of existing 'xeer', with (b) or (c) applied by default, then the murderer could walk free. This not only removes power of decision making from the victim's family, but encourages vagaries of the law, which further breeds injustice and iniquitous practices.

For the proponents of removing Shari'a from the Constitution, and the liberal crowd, replacing Shari'a with Xeer along with man-made laws, here is a case where you may not like what you are advocating for. Just to highlight the relevance of what is being wished for.
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We finally beat Medicare 🎊 πŸŽ‰
What you people don’t realize is that this is a major step in the right direction. Rule of law matters and not clan elders opinions. His people will probably burn stuff and that’s what the police are for.

Unless he randomly escapes from prison


We finally beat Medicare 🎊 πŸŽ‰
With death, in Islam, punishment is quite clear:
a) death, b) di'a, or c) forgiveness, and the final decision rests with the family of the victim.

However, for the 'Xeer' crowd, clans have existing laws, where death is concerned, and the question is what is the 'xeer' between the two clans in question? With that in mind, if the victim's family agrees with the villain's to settle the matter, on the basis of existing 'xeer', with (b) or (c) applied by default, then the murderer could walk free. This not only removes power of decision making from the victim's family, but encourages vagaries of the law, which further breeds injustice and iniquitous practices.

For the proponents of removing Shari'a from the Constitution, and the liberal crowd, replacing Shari'a with Xeer along with man-made laws, here is a case where you may not like what you are advocating for. Just to highlight the relevance of what is being wished for.
A lot of empty paragraphs. Mandate the death penalty for murder and don’t consult any family for anything. How’s that? This is the secular approach. And it’s purpose is to deter criminal behaviour.


He should be burned to death
A lot of empty paragraphs. Mandate the death penalty for murder and don’t consult any family for anything. How’s that? This is the secular approach. And it’s purpose is to deter criminal behaviour.
It is best to refrain from engaging if unfamiliar with legal matters or profession, its implications, or unbriefed of its mechanics.

He should be burned to death
I would agree.


Arbaco, September, 18, 2024 (HOL) - Maxkamadda sare ee dalka ayaa maanta oo Arbaco ah go'aan rasmi ah ka gaartay kiiska dacwada dilka loo haystay Sayid Cali Macalin Daa'uud oo ku eedeysnaa inuu dilay xaaskiisii oo lagu magacaabi jiray Luul Cabdicasiis oo Uur laheyd.

Maxkamadda sare ayaa maanta fadhigii ugu dambeeyay ka yeelatay kiiska Sayid Cali Macalin Daa'uud, kadib markii qareenada Sayid Cali ay racfaan kasoo qaateen xukun dil ah oo ay horay maxkamadda gobolka Banaadir iyo tan racfaanka ugu soo rideen Sayid Cali.

Guddoomiyaha Maxkamadda sare ee dalka Baashe Axmed Yuusuf ayaa fadhiga maanta ka hor sheegay in Sayid Cali Macalin Daa'uud lagu helay dambiga lagu soo eedeeyay cadeyntiisa, islamarkaana uu si kas ah u dilay Xaaskiisii marxuumad Luul Cabdicasiis Maxamed.

Guddoomiye Baashe Axmed Yuusuf ayaa ku dhawaaqay in Maxkamadda sare ku raacday xukunadii dilka ahaa ee horey ugu soo rideen Sayid Cali Macalin Daa'uud Maxkamadda gobolka Banaadir iyo tan racfaanka.

Go'aanka kasoo baxay Maxkamadda sare ayaa waxaa si weyn u soo dhaweeyay ehelada marxuumad Luul Cabdicasiis, kuwaas oo sheegay in mudo sagaal bilood ah ay sugayeen xukunkaan maanta lagu riday Sayid Cali, waxayna dalbadeen in si deg deg ah loo fuliyo xukunka dilka ah.​


Inaba Caadi Maaha
How many appeals was Sayid Cali granted? He was sentenced to dil togaasho, is that open for appeal again?


How many appeals was Sayid Cali granted? He was sentenced to dil togaasho, is that open for appeal again?
1 regional court and 2 federal which are the appeals court and high court. Its the final verdict.
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I’ve never felt hope about Somali politics. This is a strange feeling. They need finish this beast before his family bribes the guards to let him escape!
Good to see the rule of law at work, even for the defendant, who has been been able to appeal up to the highest court and resoundingly lost his case.

Us as a people, need to see much more of this kind of resolution.