Bantu protest before U.N

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Horta, gormay kibran, "Jubba land Dulkayna waaya".

they are calling for a Bantu revolution financed by the Madow diaspora. what do you guys think, what rights should Madow have in somalia, should they have any right to the land or even citizenship. somalia has only 3% arable land, we have enough trouble feeding somalis, why should the arable land be shared with people who are neither children of the blood or the soil. the greed of the Biyomal and Geleedi eeg dibki a no kaynan.


. what do you guys think, what rights should Madow have in somalia, should they have any right to the land or even citizenship. somalia has only 3% arable land, we have enough trouble feeding somalis, why should the arable land be shared with people who are neither children of the blood or the soil.
Stop looking at it in such a medieval way. If Bantus are better farmers than some Somalis and they have the capital to buy land and the necessary infrastructure/equipment to farm (maybe financed by diaspora)....then I don't see why they shouldn't be given land to purchase. Resources should be given to those who have the necessary skills and equipment that can output the best product.

Like you said it's just 3%. There's no land power struggle issues with giving bantus some of that. If Somalis are better at farming then give it to them. Idc who gets it as long as they do the job well. Jesus why do our people have such a backwards way of thinking :/

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Stop looking at it in such a medieval way. If Bantus are better farmers than some Somalis and they have the capital to buy land and the necessary infrastructure/equipment to farm (maybe financed by diaspora)....then I don't see why they shouldn't be given land to purchase. Resources should be given to those who have the necessary skills and equipment that can output the best product.

Like you said it's just 3%. There's no land power struggle issues with giving bantus some of that. If Somalis are better at farming then give it to them. Idc who gets it as long as they do the job well. Jesus why do our people have such a backwards way of thinking :/

Lol it doesn't work that way sxb. Everyone in the south farms including my folks. People are coming at from a territory perspective. In other words we lived here for such and such long therefore we deserve the land. Not to mention I believe they're specifically referring to the farms that were taken away during the kacaan. The vast majority of them were owned by somalis. My family's ancestral farm included.

I believe they have a right to political representation but unless you've bought something and it's in your name you shouldn't have a claim to it.

That being said these folks are not from the jubbas. So I don't know what they're ing for.
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Stop looking at it in such a medieval way. If Bantus are better farmers than some Somalis and they have the capital to buy land and the necessary infrastructure/equipment to farm (maybe financed by diaspora)....then I don't see why they shouldn't be given land to purchase. Resources should be given to those who have the necessary skills and equipment that can output the best product.

Like you said it's just 3%. There's no land power struggle issues with giving bantus some of that. If Somalis are better at farming then give it to them. Idc who gets it as long as they do the job well. Jesus why do our people have such a backwards way of thinking :/

don't you see the implicit threat these diaspora Madow are saying they will finance a militia to take land by force, they aren't asking our permission, they believe they are entitled to the land because the Geeljiro were to lazy and the land filled with Tsetse fly, malaria and all matter of tropic disease, Hippos and crocodile. it is only with arrive of europeans that land was exploit on a massive scale with the establishment of plantations. I will concede somalis are lazy and short sighted, rather than getting their hand dirty, they contracted europeans to established the large sugar factory on jubba river. today most somalis farm owners do not grow food for their people but for the export market. they ships banana, fruits, sesame to international market these fucker don't care to feed the needy and poor. they only want to exploit the land for make a quick buck. that why i believe that we need to implement a soviet system that makes owner shareholder but lets the government manage this precious resource. but 1st we would need a truly nationalist government with a caliber of leadership that does not exist in somalia.

Who told you, there is no power struggle over land, the entire lower shabelle, middle jubba, hiiraan and gedo and all over somalia, land is at the heart of the problem and until we are able to adequately to solve this problem we will never get out of the quagmire that is somalia ruin and chaos.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
don't you see the implicit threat these diaspora Madow are saying they will finance a militia to take land by force, they aren't asking our permission, they believe they are entitled to the land because the Geeljiro were to lazy, stupid and the land filled with Tsetse fly, malaria and all matter of tropic disease. it is only with arrive of europeans that land was exploit on a massive scale with the establishment of plantations. I will concede somalis are lazy and short sighted, rather than getting their hand dirty, they contracted europeans to established the large sugar factory on jubba river. today most somalis farm owners do not grow food for their people but for the export market. they ships banana, fruits, sesame to international market these fucker don't care to feed the needy and poor. they only want to exploit the land for make a quick buck. that why i believe that we need to implement a soviet system that makes owner shareholder but lets the government manage this precious resource. but 1st we would need a truly nationalist government with a caliber of leadership that does not exist in somalia.

Who told you, there is no power struggle over land, the entire lower shabelle, middle jubba, hiiraan and gedo and all over somalia, land is at the heart of the problem and until we are able to adequately to solve this problem we will never get out of the quagmire that is somalia ruin and chaos.


You haven't a clue about reer Jubbada hose
This was already posted previously why post this again?
missed that thread, besides this issue will continue to be a define issue in somalia for the near future especially if climate projection hold true and somalia becomes progressive more desertified.
Lol it doesn't work that way sxb. Everyone in the south farms including my folks. People are coming at from a territory perpective. In other words we lived here for such and such long therefore we deserve the land. Not to mention I believe they're specifically referring to the farms that were taken away during the kacaan. The vast majority of them were owned by somalis. My family's ancestral farm included.

I believe they have a right to political representation but unless you've bought something and it's in your name you shouldn't have a claim to it.

That being said these folks are not from the jubbas. So I don't know what they're ing for.

They never owned any farms to begin with. They are like the idiot xabashcarbeeds who claim they built mogadishu just because they settled there in the 18-19th century even tho this isn't supported by history or evidence or anything at all.

The land belongs to Raxanweyn and dir , abgaaal they are the farmers. some darood clans depending on which area idnk

They have 0.5% political representation, we are too kind to even give them that much.. Its like me going to China staying there for 50 years then demanding they should calm me somali and give land, resources and political representation.

Wast majority should be given the option of being repatriated back to their homeland instead.


Lol it doesn't work that way sxb. Everyone in the south farms including my folks. People are coming at from a territory perspective. In other words we lived here for such and such long therefore we deserve the land. Not to mention I believe they're specifically referring to the farms that were taken away during the kacaan. The vast majority of them were owned by somalis. My family's ancestral farm included.

I believe they have a right to political representation but unless you've bought something and it's in your name you shouldn't have a claim to it.

That being said these folks are not from the jubbas. So I don't know what they're ing for.

Ah OK. ThankS for explaining it walaal. To be honest idk much about Somalia. Maybe I should use this as a oportunity to learn more about southern Somalia
missed that thread, besides this issue will continue to be a define issue in somalia for the near future especially if climate projection hold true and somalia becomes progressive more desertified.

Most Somali clans who live in those fertile areas down South are already traditional farmers like Raxanweyn Dir etc. . Clans like Abgaal in Jowhar,Hawadle and other in Hiiraan as well as an assortment of clans in the jubba regions. We don't need Bantus.

As well as the fact that they have discovered that pastorialism or herding can reverse climate change, so if we implement that it wont be any problem hopefully. There other techniques out there as well.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
May i ask what is the climate between reer jubbada hose and bantus? what is the relationship?

My family left somalia a long time ago and aren't so politically inclined.

That being said we're from jamame and most of the Madows that lived there were mushungulis and dont speak somali as a first language. I have no idea who the eff these people are because mushungulis do not speak maay. I have noticed that a lot of the south, ever since the war has had many waves of migration. Many people are claiming it. Smh.


Give them the government property in lower shabeela where hg thiefs occupy these fuckers aren't even from the south but central somalia:ninja:
My family left somalia a long time ago and aren't so politically inclined.

That being said we're from jamame and most of the Madows that lived there were mushungulis and dont speak somali as a first language. I have no idea who the eff these people are because mushungulis do not speak maay. I have noticed that a lot of the south, ever since the war has had many waves of migration. Many people are claiming it. Smh.

I don't get it, I thought you were Dir?
My family left somalia a long time ago and aren't so politically inclined.

That being said we're from jamame and most of the Madows that lived there were mushungulis and dont speak somali as a first language. I have no idea who the eff these people are because mushungulis do not speak maay. I have noticed that a lot of the south, ever since the war has had many waves of migration. Many people are claiming it. Smh.

Most of them speak their native tounge but they bulshitt people with the we speak Af maay nonsense. What they actually speak is some bastardized of shoot of Af maay which they called Af Orgie something , which is Af soomaali mixed with their bantu language

Swear too god thats what a bantu in Sweden told my cousin. They try hard to be assimilated even try to claim the somali name because they assume it will give the access to claim on land , resources and political representation.
My family left somalia a long time ago and aren't so politically inclined.

That being said we're from jamame and most of the Madows that lived there were mushungulis and dont speak somali as a first language. I have no idea who the eff these people are because mushungulis do not speak maay. I have noticed that a lot of the south, ever since the war has had many waves of migration. Many people are claiming it. Smh.

Most of them speak their native tounge but they bulshitt people with the we speak Af maay nonsense. What they actually speak is some bastardized of shoot of Af maay which they called Af Orgie something , which is Af soomaali mixed with their bantu language

Swear too god thats what a bantu in Sweden told my cousin. They try hard to be assimilated even try to claim the somali name because they assume it will give the access to claim on land , resources and political representation.

Do you think more bantus migrated into somalia to claim our land?
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