Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
Sub humans. Nigga in hell burning foreverThe nigga that blow himself in lido beach August 2nd is Nilotic jelou/lou of Kenya
View attachment 337691
Sub humans. Nigga in hell burning foreverThe nigga that blow himself in lido beach August 2nd is Nilotic jelou/lou of Kenya
View attachment 337691
@DR OSMAN himself wa gulwade afweyneis bro not aware of his reputation? my guy is a horgaal
9/10 mugshots of captured shabaab I have seen is either bantu or habashiI know a lot of you like to cope but unless you bring actual proof that the majority of the al shabab footsoldiers are bantus you are conspiracy theorists
The leadership is mainly Somali however9/10 mugshots of captured shabaab I have seen is either bantu or habashi