She is Rwandan according to commentsShe looks to me, Also she looks Nilotic.
Maybe Tutsi?
She is Rwandan according to commentsShe looks to me, Also she looks Nilotic.
She is Rwandan according to comments
Maybe Tutsi?
Their like a component of the three basically Bantu mostlyRwandan are Bantus, 99 percent of Ruwanda ethnic are Bantus. Tutsi, Hutu. So I was correct.
she's from western Ethiopia.She looks to me, Also she looks Nilotic.
Their like a component of the three basically Bantu mostly
I thought you were saying she wasnt
she's from western Ethiopia.
she's from western Ethiopia.
Bantu women are way too fine
still remember my first erection ever at 12 by this bantu woman at the mall 20/10 futo thick as f*ck
How can Xalimos even compete?
Are you also willing to have bantu looking babies with them
Are you also willing to have bantu looking babies with them
All babies are beautiful