Barclays Premier League Thread 15/16

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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Aston Villa have been a Premier League club all my life. It'll be weird not seeing them in top flight next season.


Spurs fans got emotional and started a social media campaign and the fucking FA caved into their pressure and changed the ref. :lol:
:russ: Aar naga badala refka we don't wanna see another 50 years of draught ba meesha ka dhacdey.:lol:



Halyey Adebayor with the assist that puts Assanal back to there favorite 4th place.:lol: I posted a comment on YouTube when he signed for CP back in January and said hope he scores against Assanal in April.siilaanyolaugh He didn't get the goal but the crucial assist.:denzelnigga:

If Pool wins Europa no CL for 4th spot :chrisfreshhah:Man imagine if that does happen the amount of suicides in London.:damedamn:

ArsenalFanTV and chill:dj::dance:

When I saw the Leicester score, a voice in my head told me Arsenal might still have a chance to win the league.

I had my Arsenal shirt on and went to get my hair cut at the barbers. I didn't even see the palace equalizer, all I heard
was laughter, I thought the barber fucked up my sides :draketf:

I'm never going to mention Arsenal winning in this thread every again:browtf:


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
That Southampton run always have me in stitches. Southampton was losing to pub teams and couldn't buy a win. Then Arsenal came along being charitable

Wenger said the other day we don't need many signings during the summer, so we that's next year
taken care off. :ohlord:'

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