Barry Stanton (extreme racist troll on Twitter X ) is officially trolling Indians

Yeah, and thousands of your people go there for medical treatment. Keep on cosplaying as white supremacist. Watch how they make a page dedicated to Somalia once they’re done with Indians. Embarrassing, you’re getting a hard one because of some alcoholic English troll cussing Indians.
What a terrible argument. Whites can hate on whoever they want. I'm not a White supremacist. That's a straw man argument. I just love seeing Pajeets receive hate whether from Whites, Blacks, Asians or Arabs.

Also no one in my family has been to India for medical treatment. Idc about random people who happen to be from Somalia.
Pathetic. Indians will really be hurt you, a man from the poorest people on earth, cheerleading from the sideline like a little girl.
Alright larper. I hate Pajeets who hate me for being a Muslim. I also hate dirty people and Pajeets are the filthiest people on earth. Why don't you go bathe in cow shit like a Pajeet if you love them so much lol?
Alright larper. I hate Pajeets who hate me for being a Muslim. I also hate dirty people and Pajeets are the filthiest people on earth. Why don't you go bathe in cow shit like a Pajeet if you love them so much lol?

Ah, the good Somali racial supremacy project using the Islam card. If you cared about Islam you wouldn’t be addicted to obsessing over Barry Stanton pages.
Ah, the good Somali racial supremacy project using the Islam card. If you cared about Islam you wouldn’t be addicted to obsessing over Barry Stanton pages.
I'm not obsessed with Barry. I just love seeing Pajeets receive hate. My hatred for Pajeets is based on moral and religious grounds. I made it clear that I hate them for being filthy and anti-Islam mushrikun. I don't agree with Barry's racism, but I do agree with him calling them out for rolling around in cow shit which he does on a regular basis. I also hate Barry who is an anti-Islam troll.

People can be the worst of kuffar and they can have the right position on certain things. Everyone knows Pajeets roll around in shit, eat shit, worship shit and are rapists. It's only gonna get worse for Pajeets. Get ready for it.
I'm not obsessed with Barry. I just love seeing Pajeets receive hate. My hatred for Pajeets is based on moral and religious grounds. I made it clear that I hate them for being filthy and anti-Islam mushrikun. I don't agree with Barry's racism, but I do agree with him calling them out for rolling around in cow shit which he does on a regular basis. I also hate Barry who is an anti-Islam troll.

People can be the worst of kuffar and they can have the right position on certain things. Everyone knows Pajeets roll around in shit, eat shit, worship shit and are rapists. It's only gonna get worse for Pajeets. Get ready for it.

Nothing to do with Deen, you just get a dopamine fix from some whites-who also hate Islam-hating on Indians (who you seem to have an obsession with). Indians getting dunked on makes you as a Somali feel good about yourselves. You need therapy!

Go back to my first response, all I am saying to you is that don’t cry when similar pages pop up about Somalis. You love and enjoy this type of content Elon is propelling, therefore don’t cry when they make Somali pages.
Nothing to do with Deen, you just get a dopamine fix from some whites-who also hate Islam-hating on Indians (who you seem to have an obsession with). Indians getting dunked on makes you as a Somali feel good about yourselves. You need therapy!

Go back to my first response, all I am saying to you is that don’t cry when similar pages pop up about Somalis. You love and enjoy this type of content Elon is propelling, therefore don’t cry when they make Somali pages.
I don't care if they hate on Somalis? I'm my own man and that doesn't offend me at all lol. I've seen everything they've said and I just laugh since most of it is simply projection.

Why are you defending Pajeets though?
I don't care if they hate on Somalis? I'm my own man and that doesn't offend me at all lol. I've seen everything they've said and I just laugh since most of it is simply projection.

Why are you defending Pajeets though?

Not defending them, I am trying to heal you from the normalisation of racist troll pages and that they should be enjoyed/given importance by civilised rational beings. You refuse the help, thus you will be put on ignore. Macasalama.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Tbh those pajeet trolls had it coming for them they are like somali trolls but worse and more in number so I am not suprised they are getting bashed 🤷‍♂️


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