Bart ehrman : Jesus never claimed to be god

Internet Nomad

The oldest surviving New Testament manuscript that they have is called P52โ€”named this because it was the fifty-second papyrus manuscript to be discovered and catalogued in modern times. It is just a tiny scrap found in a trash heap in Egypt. It originally came from a full manuscript of the Gospel of John, but all that is left is this little piece, the size of a credit card, it dates to 3rd century, how do we know that no changes were made during the 150-250 years after Jesus(pbuh)?

Unlike muslims which have extensive evidence to prove that we have the preserved word of Allah(SWT) who used Angel Gabriel to deliver the message to Muhammed(SAW).
The oldest surviving New Testament manuscript that they have is called P52โ€”named this because it was the fifty-second papyrus manuscript to be discovered and catalogued in modern times. It is just a tiny scrap found in a trash heap in Egypt. It originally came from a full manuscript of the Gospel of John, but all that is left is this little piece, the size of a credit card, it dates to 3rd century, how do we know that no changes were made during the 150-250 years after Jesus(pbuh)?

Unlike muslims which have extensive evidence to prove that we have the preserved word of Allah(SWT) who used Angel Gabriel to deliver the message to Muhammed(SAW).

Itโ€™s not a secret even amongst themselves that the bible has been changed and corrupted multiple times .

Thereโ€™s a running joke but regardless factual statement that prophet Muhammadโ€™s ( scw) Hadith is more preserved than any of their New Testament bibles combined .

I recall a story of yusuf Estes ( revert sheikh) telling his audience on how he wanted to give a Muslim dawah when him and a bunch of priests came together and couldnโ€™t decide on what bible they could use as a source for their dawah to the Muslim brother .
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Internet Nomad

Itโ€™s not a secret even amongst themselves that the bible has been changed and corrupted multiple times .

Thereโ€™s a running joke but regardless factual statement that prophet Muhammadโ€™s ( scw) Hadith is more preserved than any of their New Testament bibles combined .

I recall a story of yusuf Estes ( revert sheikh) telling his audience on how he wanted to give a Muslim dawah when him and a bunch of priests came together and couldnโ€™t decide on what bible they could use as a source for their dawah to the Muslim brother .
The most accepted daif hadith has more validity than the bible

Omar del Sur

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@Omar del Sur your opinions are well appreciated since youโ€™re a former Christian .

I will weigh in after I have time to listen to the video insha'Allah.

But if anyone wants my response to Christianity, this is a response I made to a user here who became a Christian audubillah

I asked you questions, you were never able to answer them and I ask these questions because I genuinely care for your well-being and I want for you to go to heaven. I urge you to contemplate them and think carefully.

You can never attain success without Islam. Of course you will experience bad things in this life and the next without Islam. Islam is always what is right, Islam is not responsible for anything your family may have done, humans may be right or wrong but Islam can never be wrong.

you really think Allah appeared in the form of a human... ate... slept... answered the call of nature... got nailed to a cross... you believe all that??

you believe Allah made the world in six days and then rested on the seventh??

It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed.

-Exodus 31:17

Allah โ€“ there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep.

-Ayat Al Kursi (translation of meaning)

tell me which description of Allah makes more sense... He got tired and rested on seventh day or He never gets tired????

you believe Allah ordered the killing of babies?

Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.

-1 Samuel 15:3

Omar del Sur

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masha'Allah. it's a good video, something to share with Christians and other non-Muslims. we already know this as Muslims but it's a good video to have.
They turned Isa AS into a greco-roman man god. They actually take stories directly from greek epics and stories and wrote them into the gospels. It is like a crossover of judaism and greek paganism.

You believe Allah ordered the killing of babies?
I know you mean well but Iโ€™d be wary of this line of thinking. We have the story of Khidr and Musa AS in Surah Kahf where Allah swt in this infinite wisdom ordered Khidr to kill a child. Allah swt could kill all of us now and it would not affect a single thing or make him less worthy of worship. Morality is not something that is determined by humans. We are imperfect beings with a vastly incomplete understanding of our own surroundings, let alone the universe. Morality is solely determined by the Allah swt. The most high, the most powerful, and the most just. By definition, Allah swt can never do anything wrong or immoral because it is him alone who determines what is moral and what isnโ€™t.

