As a socialist I do not agree with this way of implementing universal basic income. It will only cause division between the employed and unemployed among the proletariat.
The wealthy class already live on unearned income in terms of inheritance, dividends and interest. An extra $500 wouldn't phase them at all.
The best solution is for workers to own their workplaces so they themselves can decide how they will spend their profits and work hours.
Why work when you can get more money through welfare? Drug abuse and extremism are a symptom of being in a poor environment.Go have a visit at a welfare office and you will quickly become anti-socialist. In the West almost anybody can get a job. Those who claim welfare are often white druggies and older migrants who refuse to integrate wearing burqa and shit. Very few are the deserving poor.
McDonald's for 12 hours a day, 6 days a week.
How is that anyway to live....McDonald's for 12 hours a day, 6 days a week.
Only reason I am keeping my Swiss citizenship and not dumping it (don't live there) is because those tards will be one of the first to hand out basic income at a very high level.
So you wont see your kids and would still struggle to pay bills in France and the rest of Europe.
What about unemployed university graduates that are locked out of a job. This is a huge issue in Europe (Phénomène Tanguy) where young people are refused jobs despite being over-qualified because they lack experience. No one wants to train them and many can't move back to their parents house which tiny enough and will be too cramped with their partners and possibly children.
Its not unaffordable if you're super-wealthy like Scandinavia. Its just that America have been fucking themselves over with conservatism and 'muh 2nd Amendment'.
Well if the west actually stablised somali Afghanistan Syria and every other warzone they claim to be freeing, their graduates would find well paying jobs as expatriates.