Basra, the royal baby (Harry & Meghan's) is born.

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Sxb, as the article alluded to, my friend says you guys lived in Afmadow, we are going in circles if you are denying the real reason why the British were after you. If you were this brave and you guys fought powerful armies, how come not a single one of you became president or prime minister? Riwaayadda naga daa.

no pont yor right, infront of yuo i fought the gaal in kismayo yet you keep showitng afmadow, stick afmadow up where the sun dont shine,

also the italisna dn british wanted laangab tribes to dominate poltics and kept out ogadens from somalia, they gave it to lap dogs who worked for tyhem during colonial times,

the gaal hated us,

in addtion most of ogadens manpower is in ethiopia, where they have been helped by soviets, british, americna with billions in aid,

to proof this, this is why the 14 president of ddsi have always been ogaden as we dominate the region, if we dominated with the same numbers in somalia we would rule it, we have been split into 3 nations with the bulk of the land in ddsi where the land is 65% the size of somalia

if my tribe was in one country like say hawiye, marehan, mj surely i would dominate, we have ben split as we fought the gaal in hargeysa, nfd, nairobi, rift valley and deep in ogadeniya hence why the british named it in 1884 ogadeniya as only we fought them,

bring all ogadnes into one nation and we will own that nation, can you imagine an ogaden in somalia 100% all in one boat, we will eat yall alive,

no other tribe has been divided by the west like we have into 3 nation, despite this we are still ruling in ddsi despite being at war with 100 million habashi and 26 somali tribes,

no other tribe, no one can still be alive and go through what we have gone through with the west dividing my race, if it was other somalis they would have lost their language by now like other races,

count your blessings yall dont have 100% of ogaden in somalia, imagine that? we would rule with out a bullet just through one man one vote

lastly, the only man the west offered a kingship was sayidka as king of the somalia, i dont see another tribe being offered that


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
and why the hell would an 1door married to an MJ be known to a young dude like me or why would she be in kismayo, she is 1door,

and what is habar yunis buh dhulbahante,? is that a typo, arnt habar yunis 1door or am i mistaken?

do yuo know juuunley cagjab? sure you dont, so random basra you make me laugh,

so what tribe are yuo huuuno? and did you run away from somnet ?

How can u be "young" with all that articulation of Somali history? unless u majored in somali history, u iz OLD huuno. not young lool
How can u be "young" with all that articulation of Somali history? unless u majored in somali history, u iz OLD huuno. not young lool

and yes, cause i did economnics all the way to thetop, phd i was forced to study hisotry, poltics, so somali hisotry seemed vbery intereting,

but then i realised my Ogaden/Absame people account for all of somali history , in fact out of the 6 somali heros statues build by somali govements between 1960s and 70s they were all Ogaden/Jidwaq aka Absame: sayidka, qamaan bulxan the father of petry, rage ugaas the father of somali langauge, king wiil waal, hawo tako the female who heading the rissing up against the italians in xamar in 1920s, some even say ahmed gurey is abaskuul jidwaq absame but even if yuo throw iin ina shide legendary from the 1600s who was makahi caghdeer, we are hisotry,

where would our somali race be with out ogaden fending over the borders from oromo, ahmaar and jarere invaders we battled for centuries whilst the rest of somali were Protected by the ogaden/jidwaq/absame wall and slept peacefully?

we are like how the russians defende eastern europeans Slavic lands from west european invaders or how germans defended central europe from roman invaders

ugas kenadiid was most likely the closes but he came way late and fought hawiye, but we are the only ones who fought foreiners/ non somalis,
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