Be Pious While You're Young

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
never fall for the hoax that you should be irreligious while you're young and then be pious when you're older... for one, we don't know if we'll live tomorrow... but even besides that...

I am shocked at how many irreligious immoral old ppl are out there. I'm used to the idea that old ppl are supposed to be religious and with morals. these days I am shocked and amazed at how many old ppl are going around who are impious, irreligious and lack morals. I believe out here in the west there is an epidemic of immoral godless old people.

I'm shocked even to be talking about old people like that. I think it is bizarre and abnormal that we have so many irreligious old ppl running around. old ppl are supposed to be sternly lecturing us to have piety and morals or gently encouraging us to be like that.

I become baffled by the situation and then I think- "you know- they must have started as irreligious young people".

Isn't that so? Presumably- they were irreligious young people. Then they became irreligious old people. Mean. Cranky. A dark cloud to those around them. Their family members don't want to be around them or don't respect them. I swear by Allah I saw a cadaan cussing at his elderly mother!

And I don't approve of his action but I know his mother (we had a business arrangement) and she was of the type I'm talking about. But it's far from just being her.

So you see? Be an irreligious young person- you may just grow up to be an irreligious elderly person! You might think "I'mma stop doing these sins and then be pious later".... that might be your plan but Allah's plan might be to place a seal on your heart and you end up never becoming pious.

Be an irreligious young person, you might end up an irreligious old person- with lack of piety, lack of manners and morals, hated by family members and by the people.

Be a pious young person. Insha'Allah, Allah will make you even more pious as you age, Allah will guide you and grant you knowledge and insha'Allah you will be loved by your family members and by the people and they will love you and see you as a beacon of piety and wisdom.
Age does not equal wisdom my brother. Plenty of immature senior citizens.

The young have a problem with arrogance and brashness. The elderly often have life crisis, trying to live the "fun" they missed in their youth.

What everyone does not realise, is that this life will never ever satisfy anyone. It is fleeting and ultimately leaves everyone behind in the dust.

Just visit a graveyard and see how many people have been forgotten, left to the unforgiving ravages of this temporary corporeal existence.

Ultimately no need to have a fear of missing out. Everyone misses out in the end.
Allah, The Exalted, (practices) 'Ajab (which entails that He is greatly pleased with) a youth who has no inclination (to worldly pleasures).” [Shu‘ayb Al-Arnaa’oot: Hasan]

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Abu Huraira reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “There are seven whom Allah will shade on a day when there is no shade but His. They are a just ruler, a youth who grew up in the worship of Allah, one whose heart is attached to the mosques, two who love each other, meet each other, and depart from each other for the sake of Allah, a man who is tempted by a beautiful woman of high status but he rejects her, saying , ‘I fear Allah,’ and one who spends in charity and hides it such that his right hand does not know what his left hand has given, and one who remembered Allah in private and he wept.

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 660, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 1031

Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi (authenticity agreed upon) according to Al-Bukhari and Muslim


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