Beautuful Somali bantu & Lamagoodle couple Allahumabarik

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Garaad diinle

 
as far as i know gurgure don't live they live in ethiopia with oromians
Yeah you see this what i'm talking about. You know next to nothing about somalis yet you still speak freely about them. Gurgure live deep in somalia long from the borders with dds or oromia.

Garaad diinle

 
brother ask any of your fellow somali brothers on this forum if gurgure live in somalia or ethiopia then come back to me
You stupid or something? Why do i have to repeat myself? They live both in hararghe and in somalia, tell me is that hard to understand?
You didn’t say that tho you just said gurgure don’t live any where near dds or oromia
@Garaad diinle Diinle is correct, Gurgura live deep into the somalia interior past DDS but they are madhiban in SL probably cuz they are oromo.
Their name was always Gurgura, and they are oromo the name was not given to them hence the oromo sub clan names amongst them is evidence they are oromo.

They are a minority in Djibouti, SL and Hararghe and probably number around 600k in Somalia here is no Deeganka Gurgura the Issa have took all of it.
@Garaad diinle Diinle is correct, Gurgura live deep into the somalia interior past DDS but they are madhiban in SL probably cuz they are oromo.
Their name was always Gurgura, and they are oromo the name was not given to them hence the oromo sub clan names amongst them is evidence they are oromo.

They are a minority in Djibouti, SL and Hararghe and probably number around 600k in Somalia here is no Deeganka Gurgura the Issa have took all of it.
No bro gurgure are majority in dds and oromia
No bro gurgure are majority in dds and oromia
no Gurgura are very small they are outnumbered in Erer by Ala, and Nole, and they are outnumbered in Dire dawa by Ala and Nole aswell. the ones in sitti, and oromia are subject to the Nole, and the ones east of jaldessa are subject to Isse.


People need to learn to say Masha'Allah, shut it, and keep it moving.

This is a marriage between two Muslims. The worst thing that a person could do is come between a husband and wife and break up a halal marriage.

Also, a Somali man or woman marrying out is not the end of the Somali race. That would be:

The West
Gulf Arab States

We Somalis have far more pressing matters that are critical to our existence. Not a xalimo or farax marrying out.

May Allah give them a healthy longlasting happy marriage.

Yusuf Abdi Ali Rashid

King of Prussia
@Garaad diinle Diinle is correct, Gurgura live deep into the somalia interior past DDS but they are madhiban in SL probably cuz they are oromo.
Their name was always Gurgura, and they are oromo the name was not given to them hence the oromo sub clan names amongst them is evidence they are oromo.

They are a minority in Djibouti, SL and Hararghe and probably number around 600k in Somalia here is no Deeganka Gurgura the Issa have took all of it.
Holy hell, this hotep is out of control.
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