You have Madow kuffar protecting your lands from terrorists, but you want to fight other Somalis? Fucking low life.
Just wondering if you would like to cds nutz
Mooryaanta toogtah
All this bc people don't want to be disarmed.
why disarm a military base?
All this bc people don't want to be disarmed.
why disarm a military base?
if they disarmed districts, it's understandable but going into a military base with Somali army to disarm them is just insaneShe means let the minority murursade disarm everyone while they remain armed
why disarm a military base?
I saw it everywhere, news sites and Facebook, plus where in that tweet does it say haantadheer or Hodan or daynile? unrelated tweet.It was a military base? Where did you hear that? I thought it was homes. I saw this on twitter before it happened
btw don't take @Gbyallmeans word for anything he's a huge qabilist and likes to remix, just look at his original post.
Warar dheeraad ah ayaa waxa uu kasoo baxayaa dagaal dhexmaray ciidamada xasilinta caasimada iyo kuwa Militeriga kaa oo ka dhacay deegaanka Haanta Dheere ee Degmada Dayniile.
Dagaalka ayaa waxaa qaaday ciidamada xasilinta kadib markii ay ka shakiyeen xerada ay degnaayen ciidamada Militeriga oo ku taal deegaanka Haanta Dheere.
Weerarka ayaa wuxuu ka dambeeyay, kadib markii ciidamada xasilinta ay isku dayeen inay hub ka dhigis ku sameeyaan ciidamo Militari ah oo deegaanka Haanta Dheer Saldhig ciidan ku lahaa.
Ciidamada Militeriga ayaa la sheegay inay iska caabiyeen weerarka kaga yimid dhanka ciidanka xasilinta, waxaana halkaasi ka dhacay iska hor imaad labada dhinac dhexmaray.
Dadka deegaanka ayaa sheegay in Ciidamada Militariga ay fuuleen dhismaha Haanta dheer, halkaasi oo ay kala dagaalamayeen ciidamada Xasilinta, iyadoo ay adkaatay in ciidamada halkaasi laga dajiyo.
Saraakiil ka tirsan ciidamada Milatariga ee ku sugnaa Xaafadda Haanta dheer ee degmada Hodan ayaa sheegay inay ka adkaaden ciidamada Xasilinta.
Xaafadda Haanta dheer ayaa fariisin u ah ciidamo ka tirsan Guutadda Saddexaad ee ciidamada Milatariga Soomaaliya.
Ciidamadii weerarka lagu qaaday ayaa hadda gacanta ku haaya degaanka Haanta dheer ee degmada Hodan.
It's called natrual selection, the violent and barbaric nature of HG will come back to haunt them. They get karbashed in gaklacyo, in dhusomareeb, in marka by biimaal, karbashed by liyuu police and even karbash themselves.HG are lions man. But I worry that too much fighting will diminish their numbers.
It's called natrual selection, the violent and barbaric nature of HG will come back to haunt them. They get karbashed in gaklacyo, in dhusomareeb, in marka by biimaal, karbashed by liyuu police and even karbash themselves.
Sooner or later they will become extinct, alhamdullilah their numbers have been shrinking in the last 10 years due to constant fighting. This heavy fighting is causing them to have further cuqdaad and ciil for more clan skirmishes, which will in-turn speed up their own suicide. MJ will arm biimaal in marka and Madowweyne in jiliib to speed up the process, we are living in truly wonderful period, hopefully they will be completely eliminated in 50 years
I saw it everywhere, news sites and Facebook, plus where in that tweet does it say haantadheer or Hodan or daynile? unrelated tweet.
I know @Gbyallmeans is qabilist, who tries to instigate.
by 10 years we will develop nukes and wipe this qashin somali isku sheek raceIt's called natrual selection, the violent and barbaric nature of HG will come back to haunt them. They get karbashed in gaklacyo, in dhusomareeb, in marka by biimaal, karbashed by liyuu police and even karbash themselves.
Sooner or later they will become extinct, alhamdullilah their numbers have been shrinking in the last 10 years due to constant fighting. This heavy fighting is causing them to have further cuqdaad and ciil for more clan skirmishes, which will in-turn speed up their own suicide. MJ will arm biimaal in marka and Madowweyne in jiliib to speed up the process, we are living in truly wonderful period, hopefully they will be completely eliminated in 50 years
The unfortunate thing in this for me is, they call these moryaans cidaan beleed "cidanka xooga"
SNA doesn't exist ffs
They can fight all they want, but dont insult our intelligenceThis so called 'Somali National Army' is nothing more than a HAG clan militia, pure and simple.