Beesha Gedo coons jumping ship to Ahmed Madobe after their Defeat as Farmaajos exit is nearby......


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
Look at this h.utu dog following his MX masters around everywhere like the dog he is

MX hutus godfather.JPG


in your feelings yet? yall too sensitive for me.
Ragaan ha ku ordin inta naag ku karbashtay. In fact I will karbash all the locust eating h.utus from now on. Softie xun
I know your nature, i know damn well you’re not a female. :icon lol: anyways, I will leave you to your marehan wine/vimto.
it shows how weak HG is, when they got b1tch slapped by the government in dhuusamareeb while the caaghdeer dofaar got his pimp UAE and kenya to figth his battle for him and survive for another year.

