Beesha Xawaadle come out in full support of Ethiopia & Refuse any Egyptian military base as part of AUSSOM

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Ethiopia is going no where as long as HAG Mafia continues to abuse their political priveleges. Culusow disbanded the MX majority NISA Waran in Gedo and cut off their mushaar. He also disbanded Gorgor from Beledxaawo border defence. He wants us under Madoobe’s friends AS but that wont happen.

AS has been cleaned out from the road between Dolow and Luuq by Gedo Security Forces with the help of Itoobiya.

Culusow Carab Goofkiis ha geeyo xuuf:gunsmiley:

What help did xabashis provide, men, weapons or ammunition? Tell us.

This is just pathetic.

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
What danger, Ethiopia nor Egypt cannot afford war.

Real question is, why is Ethiopia even in Gedo? Your people should remove them.

Hsm came in and removed 10k shisheeyes, half of amisom. You should do the same. The rest 10k jåreers should be removed too, but atleast some were removed.

Ethiopia is the #1 cadow of somalis and today are challenging Somalias sovereignity (the MoU). They cannot remain in the country anymore and those who rely upon their troops for safety should be ashamed.
When xamar is completely free of bantu bodyguards come to me and talk. Until then don't tell me how to manage the security of my region when ceelasha biyaaha is on fire and AS are planning their next spectacle.

We will not risk the life of a single one of gedos citizens so that can HSM can save face when it comes to this MOU fiasco.

U want us to make the security forces jn the region even smaller without anything to compensate gtfo
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Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
What help did xabashis provide, men, weapons or ammunition? Tell us.

This is just pathetic.
Subsitute Xabashi with Bantu and there will be a whole list of instances. @TekNiKo is right, HSM is actively DE-funding SNA in Gedo and the local police and security forces are already stretched considering it's a massive gobol. Itoobiya fills jn the security gaps, if Xamar refunds NISA waran and trains MX sna battalions then we consider drawing down xabashi numbers.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Subsitute Xabashi with Bantu and there will be a whole list of instances. @TekNiKo is right, HSM is actively DE-funding SNA in Gedo and the local police and security forces are already stretched considering it's a massive gobol. Itoobiya fills jn the security gaps, if Xamar refunds NISA waran and trains MX sna battalions then we consider drawing down xabashi numbers.
They want us to remain dependent on their fake mushaar after we humilited and kicked out NISA Mahad Salad, while Ethiopia has been fighting terrorist since 1999. Wa caqliga Hawiye go kick out Ugandans in Xamar.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
When xamar is completely free of bantu bodyguards come to me and talk. Until then don't tell me how to manage the security of my region when ceelasha biyaaha is on fire and AS are planning their next spectacle.

We will not risk the life of a single one of gedos citizens so that can HSM can save face when it comes to this MOU fiasco.

U want us to make the security forces jn the region even smaller without anything to compensate gtfo

Those in Xamar are doing f*ck all, jåreer dagaal maya qaanaan. Hsm kicked out them from Villa Somalia, sh/dhexe, GM and Sh/hoose.

Why is Gedo not free from AS? For example, GM is not free from those dogs due to certain clans supporting them. Is it the same case in Gedo?

Subsitute Xabashi with Bantu and there will be a whole list of instances. @TekNiKo is right, HSM is actively DE-funding SNA in Gedo and the local police and security forces are already stretched considering it's a massive gobol. Itoobiya fills jn the security gaps, if Xamar refunds NISA waran and trains MX sna battalions then we consider drawing down xabashi numbers.

Khaatumo had no assitance from FGS and they managed to kick out SL who had far more firepower and men then AS. Why not do the same? Inability?

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
They want us to remain dependent on their fake mushaar after we humilited and kicked out NISA Mahad Salad, while Ethiopia has been fighting terrorist since 1999. Wa caqliga Hawiye go kick out Ugandans in Xamar.

Ceeb badanaa man, no clan should be relying on shisheeyes. You and the other guy are just doing olympic level mental gymnastics to justify your clans reliance to gaals.

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
Those in Xamar are doing f*ck all, jåreer dagaal maya qaanaan. Hsm kicked out them from Villa Somalia, sh/dhexe, GM and Sh/hoose.

Why is Gedo not free from AS? For example, GM is not free from those dogs due to certain clans supporting them. Is it the same case in Gedo?

Khaatumo had no assitance from FGS and they managed to kick out SL who had far more firepower and men then AS. Why not do the same? Inability?
U speak as if AS control large swathes of lands in Gedo like they do in Galmudug. They are found in isolated towns and surrounding countryside between major towns and city centers and the land there its pretty safe compared to HAG lands. The problem is we are right next to AS stomping grounds of Middle Jubba and SWS, the second there is a security gap left unfilled they will exploit or if they feel threatened they will go on the offense forcing us to defend the territory we already have. Frankly speaking AS have a larger army, more resources, and time and manpower to grind down security forces in Gedo. If Itoobiya leaves with their heavy weaponry and thousands of personell the loss of lives on our end will be disastrous.

Until we have supplemented our ranks with new troops the status quo must stay, HSM has been able to kick out what little ATMIS he has because he is actually training abgaal and troops to replace the gaps. No clan is working with AS in its entirety.

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
Khaatumo had no assitance from FGS and they managed to kick out SL who had far more firepower and men then AS. Why not do the same? Inability?
Ur talking about SL paper tiger army being defeated by the victorious Khaatumo forces but forget about the assitance from their harti brothers in PL and Saanag. That's at least three clans going to war against an army which has no reason to fight hard unlike the brainwashed terrorists.

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium

Ceeb badanaa these people get rid of a couple hundred bantus and think they have right to talk about Gedo. I will not engage with the losers who are pushing this discourse until they completely rid bantu of their deegans. Ignore button will probably become useful now
They align with ' our ' interests perfectly. OUR being the abgaal goverment in xamar. These designs are not at all representative of the needs of the entire country. If HSM were a real president he wouldn't need to put half the country in danger of becoming a proxy battleground so that he can exercise control over somalias sovereignty
Funny guy. What’s the point of bringing Egyptian soldiers to Abgaal lands when they aren’t even close to the border? I don’t like HSM at all but any qabiil welcoming Ethiopians needs to have some shame and dignity. Another poster said that Somalis need to distinguish between internal and external issues and he is correct saaxib. You cannot attempt to point score with our biggest cadow.
Until we have supplemented our ranks with new troops the status quo must stay, HSM has been able to kick out what little ATMIS he has because he is actually training abgaal and troops to replace the gaps. No clan is working with AS in its entirety.
I will say this is a fair point saaxib. There doesn’t seem to be any interest in creating a representative SNA with this admin.
Ceeb badanaa man, no clan should be relying on shisheeyes. You and the other guy are just doing olympic level mental gymnastics to justify your clans reliance to gaals.
These marehans are shameful, they want to be a water boy for a midget xabash while he's chilling in their backyard with their mother's and sisters :snoop:
Subsitute Xabashi with Bantu and there will be a whole list of instances. @TekNiKo is right, HSM is actively DE-funding SNA in Gedo and the local police and security forces are already stretched considering it's a massive gobol. Itoobiya fills jn the security gaps, if Xamar refunds NISA waran and trains MX sna battalions then we consider drawing down xabashi numbers.
Why is HSM defunding SNA? Is he a secret Al Shabaab supporter or something?


A mere finger can’t obscure the sun.
These marehans are shameful, they want to be a water boy for a midget xabash while he's chilling in their backyard with their mother's and sisters :snoop:
Wasn’t it your uncle who first invited Xabashi into Somalia? Don’t act morally superior now and stop bringing women into your FKD. Have some shame.
Wasn’t it your uncle who first invited Xabashi into Somalia? Don’t act morally superior now and stop bringing women into your FKD. Have some shame.
Lol, did I hit a nerve? I'm not doing fkd, just found these marehans shameful for being Ethiopian lackey..
HSM is corrupt as f*ck, why nothing is functioning in the country.
Farmajo should have stayed president. Defunding SNA is a retarded move when SNA needs to be heavily funded to permanently destroy Al Shabaab. Defunding SNA at a time where SNA is very necessary should be reason enough to coup HSM


A mere finger can’t obscure the sun.
Lol, did I hit a nerve? I'm not doing fkd, just found these marehans shameful for being Ethiopian lackey..
As if you could. People don’t take kindly to glaring double standards and that’s what’s being pointed out. As for you, just leave women out of your petty FKD.


What help did xabashis provide, men, weapons or ammunition? Tell us.

This is just pathetic.
Weapons & ammunition and thats about it. How many locals do you think they've raped, pillaged and butchered in the 2 decades plus they've been in Gedo? There are many reports out there by human rights agencies shameless people lol