Before and After One Year Pictures: Is she legit or did she have Surgery???

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Logic over everything



:cosbyhmm: What does SSPOT think?
No surgery , she's matured quite a nicely . She's probably 22-25 those are the years girl became women ...
Ohh just imagine that thigh meat .
One year? It's surgery. Doctors have become the new evil. They can turn you into anything and make you look real.


You watched and commented on that semi-naked woman, isn't that the degeneracy you wanted to be censored from Somalis in Somalia?

"Not for me, only for them".

Internet censorship needs to happen back home

The problems with subjective "morality"!!!!
Thr boobs is giveaway.....women dont increase their boob size like that. Its not like she was fat and lost weight and the boobs became more prominent.

Yes women do.

Your boobs are nothing but fat.
The skinner you are the smaller your boobs are for many women.
Look at the you gonna lift weight and eat healthy and only your leg gets bigger. Also the legs dont have any muscle definition. They looked ballooned up

Depends on her natural body shape. Some women are very skinny, but they are naturally pear shaped so a lot of their fat goes to their lower region.
Depends on her natural body shape. Some women are very skinny, but they are naturally pear shaped so a lot of their fat goes to their lower region.

She claims she been eating healthy and doing squat for a year. If you do those things that amount of fat aint gonna go to your back. You will increase size, but it will be more firm muscly increase. A lot of women who do bbl are ashamed and claim squats and healthy eating.


There's way more to life than body and looks, I believe this is one of the down side to social media, based on likes and shares of certain body image, people become unsatisfied with what god bless them with. Please appreciate your beautiful body that you have right now, embrace and love it :)


I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred
Her body is achievable with workout and diet. First pic is different angle, second pic different angle, so you see the leg and thigh better and breast from side too. It's normal my lazy Somali brothers and sisters.
Large women are not really my type, no.

Most men would agree that she looked way better before:

View attachment 73882

I'm joking about the prepubescent comment. Its actually refreshing to see guys that aren't into the insta-baddie body.

Tbh, in this day and age it feels as though most men are into thick women, but with flat stomachs. Look how many likes and retweets she got. Everyone seems to be loving her thicker body.
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