Loool omg saaame!getting married itself scares me before I even get to have kids.... looool on my first night ill prolly hide behind him and shout 'save me'.... and when he says save you from what
... I be like save me from YYYOOOOOOUUUUU
I have feeling ill make terrible wife & mother... cahs I wouldn't know how to take life serious...
I used to walk in my sleep one time I went to my neighbour and took a frying pan and went back to bed I dont remember doing any of that but My mom said it was creepy cause my eyes were wide open it did went away tho but now Im a light sleeper I wake up to the smallest noises so if I had a baby id literally be the first to wake up it will be many sleepless nights
I remember when I was sleeping over at my Cousins place In the middle of the night she was screaming at the top of her lungs and I was the ONLY one who heard it I was like are you kidding me? how deep to people sleep loool turns out she had a nightmare since she was scared I stayed in the room with her tip: Dont ever sleep on a chair your neck will hurt the next dayoh I'm deep sleeper....I won't even hear an earthquake once I'm knocked out.... one time I was staying at friends house (because they went away) and I didn't hear the house being burgled...phhewww the tuugos musta run when they saw me and nothing was taken.... looool the police started blaming me saying is impossible for anyone to sleep through such loud sound when the door was broken... kulaha I was collaborating with the tuugos.. I had to find evidence proving my friendship with the girl.... soo hectic