Believe it or not 60% of Somali girls in the West have

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President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
And this shows your lack of awareness and not detecting sarcasm

Obviously I would advocate for using protection

Maybe I need to use these warning signs.


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter

Where are you getting these facts? Can you provide me with at least ONE source? It's all I'm asking.
You need to go back home ..goor tee kugu dambeysey?..exactly ...source-bad ku waalatey waar sometimes logic and experience is better than source ...oraadoo dhex istaag xamar and ask for a source ..a source to show there's won't find any source ...but is self evident that there's corruption ...and there's self evident that there's massive abortion
You know what's haram? Claiming that which is not forbidden by Allah to be 'haram'. This is the second time you've made such a claim. Being on the pill is not haram neither is having an abortion! Both are permissible under certain circumstances.

No offense Games, but what's truly haram is drinking alcohol. Get it together sxb. :francis:
Doing what's haram knowing it's haram is sin; claiming it's halal is kufr.

This isn't about corruption so stop deflecting. You made a statement and I asked you to prove it and you can't. This is to be dismissed and for future references, anything else you claim to be true concerning Somalis is to be fact checked.


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
You need to go back home ..goor tee kugu dambeysey?..exactly ...source-bad ku waalatey waar sometimes logic and experience is better than source ...oraadoo dhex istaag xamar and ask for a source ..a source to show there's won't find any source ...but is self evident that there's corruption ...and there's self evident that there's massive abortion

How is it "self evident that there's massive abortion"? Just because you and your homies have knocked chicks up doesn't mean that every Somali participates in the same activities. If anything, it says a lot about your surroundings/environment. Bring proof that abortion is a huge issue in our community or else this is just gossip.

Doing what's haram knowing it's haram is sin; claiming it's halal is kufr.

I agree and claiming that which is not haram to be haram is also kufr.
Most Somali girls I know blush, therefore they must be virgins. I would be surprised if the abortion rates were
anywhere near 13.27%


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
Every time I visit a different Somali community, they recycle the same story about a Somali nurse working at an abortion clinic who was shocked to see the records of the hundreds of Somali girls who've gotten abortions. It's the same ol song and dance every time. What next, @menace? Will you tell us about a Somali mom who poisoned her gay son & his lover and then ran off to Somalia? :comeon:


Every time I visit a different Somali community, they recycle the same story about a Somali nurse working at an abortion clinic who was shocked to see the records of the hundreds of Somali girls who've gotten abortions. It's the same ol song and dance every time. What next, @menace? Will you tell us about a Somali mom who poisoned her gay son & his lover and then ran off to Somalia? :comeon:
Is an agenda let them cook:ulachen001:
I noticed most of this site is dedicated to smearing somali females:ulachen001:


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
Is an agenda let them cook:ulachen001:
I noticed most of this site is dedicated to smearing somali females:ulachen001:

I've noticed the same but I hope they are all tested just as @menace has been. He was blessed with a daughter so all the crap he's said/written about Somali women will haunt him for the rest of his life. :stressed:
@The-Screw: You're an unbelievable troll. Are you so delusional to also think young Somali men aren't over-represented in the prison system and have the same level of achievements in terms education and career as other minority immigrant communities simply because there aren't any stats published by the establishment that definitively shows this?

@menace: You're better off ignoring this troll, sxb. There are times when asking for evidence is appropriate, but when something is so clearly obvious to everyone in the Somali community that even Ajnabis have caught on and it's starting to become a stereotype, only a troll would need multiple papers published by the government that shows the phenomenon does indeed exist.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Abortions happen. But 60%? Come off it.

I've heard the same recycled Somali nurse stories here in Denmark. This is more of a smear campaign against Somali women than anything.
@The-Screw: You're an unbelievable troll. Are you so delusional to also think young Somali men aren't over-represented in the prison system and have the same level of achievements in terms education and career as other minority immigrant communities simply because there aren't any stats published by the establishment that definitively shows this?


In fact, there's either no change or things have gotten better in nearly everything that I've heard of from every Somali Community in every part of the country. This ominous notion that you, menace and others on this forum are spreading have no validity whatsoever. YES, there are minor setbacks here and there but overall we are doing better than expected for first/second generation immigrants. Stop trying to drag us down.


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
no one can reason with you, reasoning with you is like reasoning with naag lasoo furay:browtf:
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