Benadiri Youtuber claims Somalia's Southern coast belongs to his people.

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Who cares??? Ethnic Somalis always say shit like this to each other based on clans, so have a lot of you

If you know this isn't true then stop crying and attacking him. They're a nice family
Tattoos all over his body, talks in ebonics, falsely claims Benadiris lived in Somalia before ethnic Somalis, carries a Bantu paternal lineage and claims the Prophet.

Dumbass in my book.
Lmao do you know how many African Americans carry European maternal lineage because of rape?

Haplogroups don't mean shit. He's more Arab than Bantu, so it's not surprising he'd claim it. This guy is proud to be Somali and always reps Somalia so stop going off on him
Tattoos all over his body, talks in ebonics, falsely claims Benadiris lived in Somalia before ethnic Somalis, carries a Bantu paternal lineage and claims the Prophet.

Dumbass in my book.
He's actually Sheikhaal his mother is Benadiri, according to the video. He was repeating clan myths he heard I think he mentioned he doesn't know if theyre true. Lots of Somalis make that mistake.

Lol be nicer.


The one and only 4head
He seems like a good kind hearted person.

You guys are harsh, he may see the posts.

He probably hates us dark skinned somalis. This bantu light skinned Benadiri deserves a reality check. We are Somalis afterall, hate goes well with us:siilaanyosmile:


Lmao do you know how many African Americans carry European maternal lineage because of rape?

Haplogroups don't mean shit. He's more Arab than Bantu, so it's not surprising he'd claim it. This guy is proud to be Somali and always reps Somalia.

Paternal haplogroups mean a lot in Somali culture. Somali tribes go by your father's line. That's what clans are based on.

Paternally, he is Beesha Madowweyne. 100%.
Lmao do you know how many African Americans carry European maternal lineage because of rape?

Haplogroups don't mean shit. He's more Arab than Bantu, so it's not surprising he'd claim it. This guy is proud to be Somali and always reps Somalia.
What do you mean European maternal lineage. According to that the white women raped black men it should be the other way around.


The one and only 4head
Since when do Benadiris hate Somalis? They're mostly wadanis and he is too.

I don't said they as a whole group but him , he thinks he's better than the natif somalis.
And seriously, how can he be related to the prophet when in fact one of his grandpa was a bantu?:cryinglaughsmiley:
Paternal haplogroups mean a lot in Somali culture. Somali tribes go by your father's line. That's what clans are based on.

Paternally, he is Beesha Madowweyne. 100%.
This is reality, nobody cares about Somali culture or tribes. He's genetically more Arab than Bantu, and can claim it if he wants. You're not going to completely erase his mothers side that are Arab, just because of some patriarchal shit Somalis do.

This guy has way more Somalinimo than a lot of you on this site even though he's barely Somali
I don't said they as a whole group but him , he thinks he's better than the natif somalis.
And seriously, how can he be related to the prophet when in fact one of his grandpa was a bantu?:cryinglaughsmiley:
He doesn't hate Somalis he's forever repping. That lamagoodle thing is just another ignorant myth that got passed down to him.


31/12/16 - 04/04/20
Mesopotamian descendant who bares the Y-DNA T-L208 just entered the thread :yacadiim: that being said if any of you Halimos want to have Eurasian sons PM me :dabcasar:


Mesopotamian descendant who bares the Y-DNA T-L208 just entered the thread :yacadiim: that being said if any of you Halimos want to have Eurasian sons PM me :dabcasar:
@fox you have 100% Somali autosomal genetics. :dead: Warya, you guys are ethnic Somalis.

E-M35, J1, and T1 are part of team Afro-Asiatic.


I was only pissing about sxb.

I dropped the whole Beesha T talk after I came across the Lembas in South Africa :chrisfreshhah:

:lol: the Lemba South African Jews descend from Yemenite Jews who wanted to earn some shekels trading Goyim Bantus on Indian Ocean ships going back and forth between Yemen and Mozambique.


East African pastoralist. Cushite. Samaale.
Does he hear himself? 7.8% Somali but the South Coast of SOMALIa belongs to his ancestors lmfaosksksksks z3zrULC
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