Beware of Xamar's best fast food restaurant

I was at a fast food shop in xamar weyne called Chicking 🐔 (one of two in the city) which has the most macaan fried chicken :lawd: and world-class graphic design. Everything from the menu to the walls looked like a Somali KFC franchise in an alternate reality!!

I was really proud of whichever taajir developed this joint until I looked behind the kiosk and saw a fair-hair Indian man giving orders. That's when it clicked: these stinky jungle demons from the depths of gujarat expanded into Somalia as part of their economic war in Africa against China... The company was founded by an Indian 👳‍♂️ who created outlets all over Africa, they're cornering the fried chicken industry with their exotic spices and quality goods. The bantus love it but that is because they are essentially african-americans who were left behind and are therefore discovering their repressed love for fried chicken. Since urbanization created the sedentary lifestyle and Somalis naturally indulge and are lazy, we are victim to this too. Believe it or not some odayaal have already made the switch from ☕ to the finger lickin' digaag.

The Indians exploit our deprived fast food markets and give us little in return. They have killed all the competition. They pay faaraxs pennies and make immense profit margins. Somali farmers don't profit because they're receiving cargo ships of hormonal, triple vaccinated chicken from the khaleejis instead of sourcing organic meat locally. I wanted to brick the damn restaurant but I'd be kissing concrete 'cause they've hooked the locals on dopamine levels higher than khat.

I'm telling you we need to karbash these foreigners before they get comfortable enough to segregate their shops like they're doing in Ethiopia never mind their agenda of "investing" to build the infrastructure for the Chinese/Indian debt trap


Somali, is a race
I thought Somalis were a difficult group to compete against when it came to business.

You should have tried, the key word being, tried, because our people back home will not listen to a Somali diaspora. They think we are trying to take away something from them when all we are trying to do is protecting them. But, its still doesnt hurt to at least Educate them, whether they take it or not.


I was at a fast food shop in xamar weyne called Chicking 🐔 (one of two in the city) which has the most macaan fried chicken :lawd: and world-class graphic design. Everything from the menu to the walls looked like a Somali KFC franchise in an alternate reality!!
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I was really proud of whichever taajir developed this joint until I looked behind the kiosk and saw a fair-hair Indian man giving orders. That's when it clicked: these stinky jungle demons from the depths of gujarat expanded into Somalia as part of their economic war in Africa against China... The company was founded by an Indian 👳‍♂️ who created outlets all over Africa, they're cornering the fried chicken industry with their exotic spices and quality goods. The bantus love it but that is because they are essentially african-americans who were left behind and are therefore discovering their repressed love for fried chicken. Since urbanization created the sedentary lifestyle and Somalis naturally indulge and are lazy, we are victim to this too. Believe it or not some odayaal have already made the switch from ☕ to the finger lickin' digaag.

The Indians exploit our deprived fast food markets and give us little in return. They have killed all the competition. They pay faaraxs pennies and make immense profit margins. Somali farmers don't profit because they're receiving cargo ships of hormonal, triple vaccinated chicken from the khaleejis instead of sourcing organic meat locally. I wanted to brick the damn restaurant but I'd be kissing concrete 'cause they've hooked the locals on dopamine levels higher than khat.

I'm telling you we need to karbash these foreigners before they get comfortable enough to segregate their shops like they're doing in Ethiopia never mind their agenda of "investing" to build the infrastructure for the Chinese/Indian debt trap
I looked it up and the owner turned out to be a local, Somalia doesn't allow foreigners to run their own businesses they've got to have a Somali wakiil.


Don’t worry Xamar still has kafil. A Somali will own the place in a partnership.

Farmaajo wanted to end that practice because it of course benefited the Xamar natives most


I thought Somalis were a difficult group to compete against when it came to business.

You should have tried, the key word being, tried, because our people back home will not listen to a Somali diaspora. They think we are trying to take away something from them when all we are trying to do is protecting them. But, its still doesnt hurt to at least Educate them, whether they take it or not.

Hence why things will never get better in Somalia they won't listen to us diaspora who studied and worked around ajanab we know their evil .

My uncle's tried to work back home all engineers but the locals didn't want to listen or work for them and their firm .
The locals rather get hired by the Turkish .

So how will Somalia get better if they won't listen to us diaspora but they will trust the ajanab Chinese and turkish. Somalia will fall for the debt trap sooner or later .

Its sad really when the people back home trust ajanab over us diaspora .